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Parani Railroad Pioneering

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I'm on the home stretch of Ed Rasimus's book 'When Thunder Rolled' and I was recently thinking of the day when his flight attacked a rail station close to the buffer zone with China. It got me to thinking, hey, wouldn't it be great if there were a couple of railway stations in Paran to bomb the s**t out of.


I started yesterday, by downloading Gepard's railway station mod. I then placed it in the outskirts of Kurzah, Paran's capital city.




Today I've been thinking about creating a rail network across Paran to make things more interesting, along with a few rail stations along various places. But I'm sure that this is going to be a daunting task when 'mapping out' the railway. Has anyone done this with any of the terrains?

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ww2 burma

korea (uncompleted)

India/Pakistan (in the works)


I have layout for n/s track and e/w track; plus some enhanced object for jplacment at the various train statins (exceping a macdonalds ... still waiting for one of those) Of course, there's always the Hot Dog stand from DBS/ASW/SCal....



kevin stein

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It's chugging along




............. very slowly, mind.

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you can go totally crossed, blind and mad from laying out miles and miles of trak... :crazy:

that's why I only use them in the 'local' region of the rail yard. They're not classed as targets as is, unless edited in the types ini



kevin stein

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