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Flight Leader / Wingman

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In every mission of my current pilot thus far, Alexander Adler has been my flight leader. his plane lable describes him as flight leader.


However in the mission briefing he is described as wingman.


Is this a bug or is there a reasonable explanation?

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In every mission of my current pilot thus far, Alexander Adler has been my flight leader. his plane lable describes him as flight leader.


However in the mission briefing he is described as wingman.


Is this a bug or is there a reasonable explanation?





the label wingman suggests that you are to act as his wingman - I think?

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Beanie, from what I have seen so far in the OFF campaigns, I believe you are correct. You and your wingman are supposed to try and work together on the missions and watch each other's back. Although truth be told, my wingman Flt Cmdr. McTavish is useless...utterly useless. Fortunately, I have my observer/gunner Sgt. Kenny Shewtum guarding our tail, and he is a killer! :biggrin:





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If the mission is ground or airstrip attack, I think the game automatically makes you flight leader because the AI is incapable of performing these missions correctly.

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Nope. I've gone on ground attack missions where I was just a wingman. I think it depends on your rank (I was a lowly sgt.). The AI do indeed fail to perform these missions correctly, as H-PW says. Mostly, my flight just flew rather aimlessly around, sometimes in the general direction of the ground target. BUT, fly as leader and pick a target and send your wingmen after it and they'll give it hell or die trying (mostly die trying!).

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