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Hi I haven't played with SPF1 for a while now can someone tell me if anyone has released any decent campaigns for it if so could you please post some links also has anyone made real to life cockpits for the migs yet.

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I saw some MiG cockpit screens on MarcFighters site, http://marcfighters.com


Also, I've been playing the Yom Kippur War campaign I found on AVSIM online, http://avsim.com


It has a real Middle East map (not a remake of the Dhimar campaign map). Really cool! I can't wait for the Mystere IV, and Mirage III. once their out the middle east theatre will be a great one for campaigns.

Edited by Saedor

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Thanx for the reply can someone tell me why when I make a new squadron in a campaign every second mission in the campaign has no objectives does this have something to do with the caimpaigndata.ini file? I want to set a squadron up for mainly ground attack with very little air to air combat also where can I find the file hydra.lod for the zuni rocket pod also does anyone know of anyother custom weapons thanx again

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not sure about setting up a campain but to change any weapons you need the weapons editor.also I'll have to llok around but I know there was some add-on weapons..check the downloads section here at Biohaz.

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Thanx for posting that link can someone tell me why when I edit these values











to say











All missions will have no objectives at all and will be accomplised as soon as they start

or if I set the values to











Nearly all missions will be fighter sweeps with a few intercept missions thrown in does any one know what I'm doing wrong? do the numbers have to add up to a certain value this is the only thing I can think of but in the tut they add up to 560 this seems like a meaningless number any idea.

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I am not saying that it will work...have seen things work on one set up then stop working after a few weeks with no additional changes...but if you remove the zeroes from the line altogether it works too.


MissionChance[RECON]=00 //change to// MissionChance[RECON]=


And you wont get that type of mission at all.


Have tinkered around with camaigns and found that system to be very cantankerous indeed. Best advise is to tweak, take notes, tweak again until you get close to what you want. Then test and retweak. I keep a vanilla install on the same HD so that when things go awry I can just copy/paste whatever I was tweaking from the original...and then start over.


Good luck, be sure to share what you find.



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It didn't work also what the hell is going on with the weapon supplys for each squadron if I set the squadron up to have no weapons they will still have standard load of bombs,rockets and sidewinders availible if I add these weapons in campaign_data.ini they will have two amounts of that weapon what is going on? and why do I always have the 9J sidewinder availible I set it so that is only availible in 1972 but it is always availible anyway in 1956.

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