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Joystick Mapping Question

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Hey guys, I've got a quick question for you and I'm a tad embarassed I need to even ask.


I'm using an old Microsoft Sidewinder 2 joystick in Vista for OFF. I cannot seem to remember how, or perhaps it has changed, but at any rate, how do I remap my button commands to apply some keys to OFF? Is there a setting somewhere in OFF or do I need to do it in Windows? Mind you, the Sidewinder 2 software is not installed - Vista simply recognized it when I plugged it in.


Thoughts appreciated in advance.



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start a QC and then hit Escape it drops down the menu in the upper right and you will find the options there make your assignments and then save as Mine

Edited by Rickitycrate

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start a QC and then hit Escape it drops down the menu in the upper right and you will find the options there make your assignments and then save as Mine


Awesome! Thanks Rickity, I appreciate it!

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Zeese crumpets are flyink der high tech Camels, but don't even know how to handl zeire controlls.

But vott vill you expect from people, who drive on ze wrong sside of ze street!

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