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Mig-21FL max problems

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If anyone with Max experience can help me, I'd sure appreciate it. I have a mostly completed Mig-21FL - based upon the source file for a started PF kindly sent to me by bpao, with part hierarchy and naming conventions based on a data.ini file concocted mostly from the max file kindly supplied to me by AmokFloo. It is not mapped yet, and a few parts need to be finished (main gear well and doors) - but I was hoping to see its shape in game at the stage it is in now before I finished parts and mapped it. Animations work in max - with new fwd airbrakes.


The airplane simply does not appear in game after compiling into .LOD - usually a data.ini issue I thought.


I have not had enough experience with all this to diagnose the problem, and could sure use some help if someone can spare the time.



Mike D.

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what version of 3ds max....?

send me the max file if max 9 and data.ini



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Max 8 - will be glad to send you what I have - working on main gear doors now. As I said, not mapped yet - I figured that was the LEAST of my problems!!




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I sent you a PM with my final max file - gear doors are finished I think...really need to see it in-game to fix anything else I think.


Thanks for the help.


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