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Vogesen Terrain question

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I was just wodering if anybody has fixed the Vogesen terrains actual ground level. The virtual ground level is good but the physical ground level is a few meters lower than the terrain in most places. The airfields are ok. But when your forced to land in a field somewhere you end up under ground. So I was wondering if anyone had a fix for this. I know it's an old terrain. But it's a nice one.

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Open file Vogesen_data.ini with notepad editor

press CTRL+H

look for


replace it with



Thats it.

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Thanks Gepard. I changed all the numbers. It's much better now but not 100%. Still some tiles are lower. Most are perfect, some lower.





These pics are from after the # change

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Open the file and look for all HeightMapScale= entries.

Perhaps there are also other settings then 5.0000

Change it to 1.00000 or even 0.000000000 till you has the result you wish. Simple trial and error methode.

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