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Who said, Halberstadt can't be fun?

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The trouble I had getting to field (see thread: Can't go to field!) seemed solved

(thanks to Madmatt again!), and I wanted to do a flight to be sure.

So I picked my Halberstadt pilot, who had not seen any action yet.


We went on an artillery spotting mission, but I didn't remember to note anything.

Arriving at the lines, we were attacked by at least 6 Nieuport planes from RNAS-1.

Two of them were Nieuport 17 Lewis, flown by aces.

Whilst flight 1, lead by Manfred von Richthofen, climbed up towards the waiting Nupes,

our flight tangled with those, that had come down. One ace, Roderic S 'Breguet' Dallas,

turned with me now. I called me wing for help, and that got him out of our tango.

I got behind him, when he tried to attack my wingman, and tried to shoot at him.

But that is not so easy with a Halby - aiming and shooting are very different to the

planes I knew!

But I got into it, and Roderic experienced to get sieved by a German single gunner.

Great with Nupes - they are so fragile! He didn't last long and crashed.

That would have been enough for me, but there was more to come. I could shoot two

more Nieuport 11 down. And all that under MvR's nose, who didn't have a single kill!


When the claim report appeared, I found, I didn't have the names of my wingies!

Was about to dump them claims, when I suddenly had an idea: flight 1 was always

around and above us. And I had two names. Manfred von Richthofen, and Max Ritter

von Mueller. So I filled those in. Now I wonder, if I will get those confirmed...

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Good luck, let us know.


If you flew the sim correctly,ahem, you would have flown the EIII for some time before the Halb and believe me you would think the Halb was awesome. Just kidding buddy about flying correctly but it is a little backasswards.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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. Just kidding buddy about flying correctly but it is a little backasswards.


That's me :biggrin: awkward as hell- I've never flown the E 111 or the earlier stuff.

Straight into Dr1s and Se5s and Camels. etc.


How anybody saw what the hell was going on flying a Camel, I don't know.

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I've flown the Halberstadt a few times in QC and it's definitely a major improvement over the E.III. Shooting down 3 Nieuports in one mission is a great achievement. :ok:


I eat Halbies for breakfast in my French Nieuport 17 campaign, but Halbs are definitely much better opponents than Fokker monoplanes.


One of these days I must start a career in 1915 and try what's it like to fly the Eindecker. So many planes to fly, so little time!

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Rickitycrate: Just kidding buddy about flying correctly but it is a little backasswards.


Well, Rickity, you can fly the sim in another order, that makes sense, too. I actually would even recommend that for

the rather unpatient newbies. Fly the easy-to-fly planes like S.E.5a, Fokker D VII, Nieuports and SPADs first, and slowly

work your way backwards - the last plane you do, is the Fokker E III Eindecker.

But I will definitely try some day, to fly the whole wartime in orderly manner, and to survive it long enough, to get to the D VII F.


Fortiesboy: How anybody saw what the hell was going on flying a Camel, I don't know.


It simply was the best two gun turn fighter the British had at it's time. Tricky to get to grips with, but in the hands of skilled pilots

a good fighter. But I would also say, that, like with the Dr.1, there is a lot of myth and legend connected to the name.


Hassewind: I eat Halbies for breakfast in my French Nieuport 17 campaign...


Yes, I should think so, after trying the Nupe. But beware: the climb of the Halberstadt is exellent for the time!


Hassewind: One of these days I must start a career in 1915 and try what's it like to fly the Eindecker. So many planes to fly, so little time!


Yes, absolutely true! Isn't that great? I mean, what you got for the money - keeps you busy for maybe years!

Edited by Olham

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Never flown it...must have a go!...I whinged constantly after P1 and P2 about having earlier planes, and now haven't flown them! shame on me!!

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Why shame, Widow - I still have to experience all the Allied planes.

Only had several QCs with S.E.5s and Camels - never flown the Tripe yet!

A day's time is always somehow full of other things to be done first.


The Halberstadt is a solid plane with a good climb and diving ability, as far as I saw yesterday.

The gunsight is rather bad - you must find out, were the shots go; but then it may be fun.

Nupes are a bit more like butterflies, agile and all over the places - and as fragile!

So, I made the best of the Halby, and scored better than Manfred! Lol!!

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There has been a rather common comment lately in our posts that many of us have not yet flown very many of the available aircraft. There is no rush of course. But what a testimony to the breadth of this sim. And then taking into account the 3600 skins... we have much to see and much to do and I expect to be happily at this for many years to come.

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Yes, Jim - I had, some time ago, announced, I would make screenshots from at least all the

German aces skins, and show them, time after time, in a special thread.

I didn't do it, cause I was surprised, how many they are. It would take me ages, to choose

the planes and skins, enter QC, and make the shots, then edit them etc.

This sim is a cornucopia of planes and skins!

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This sim is a cornucopia of planes and skins!


...sometimes called "an embarassment of riches". I know what you mean.


And about older planes: I find that the experience of the gentler, SE-5 types pays off as you approach DH-2's and E.III's. If one has not flown a WWI sim, as I had not, it takes a little time to shift footing. Time to realize that even the fastest, best fighters of 1918 cannot be horsed around like a Bf-109. Now I know that no matter what I choose it will be quirky, unreliable and underpowered; rather like "My girlfriend is a shallow little tart, but I love her". Last night I took a DH-2 out against two Eindeckers and actually spent more time worrying about where they were than recovering from stalls. Hope springs eternal.

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... Only had several QCs with S.E.5s and Camels - never flown the Tripe yet!


I've just started the Sopwith Tripe with my new campaign pilot James Tepes. It's a delight to fly and turns on the proverbial sixpence... nose down, full rudder, touch the edge of a spin, pull her up and she whips round ... straight onto the arse of the Alb that thought it had me. I'm practising in QC with Tepes and provided my wingies do their jobs the DVas don't stand a chance... unless they run, of course :grin:

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Haha! Hauksbee - when you're at that stadium: "My girlfriend is a shallow little tart, but I love her",

wait how it will be, when you say: "My girlfriend may look a shallow little tart - until we Tango!"


Dej, the Albatros D Va can't even really run away from that Tripe - they are both more or less

similarly fast. Still though, in BHaH, no Tripe has shot me down yet - but I have killed 5 or 6 of them

(in an Albatros DIII - the D Va wouldn't have met the Tripe, I'd think).

But there, the "luck factor" comes into it. Any next time, I might get toasted...

Edited by Olham

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Still though, in BHaH, no Tripe has shot me down yet ... in an Albatros DIII - the D Va wouldn't have met the Tripe, I'd think


Ah, but the AI still seems to try and turn with me, which is where they go wrong. You're correct about the DVa of course, I'm just thinking if I can beat them then the DIIIs will be easier still. Mind you, I think the DIII's your favourite lady so perhaps it's better than the DVa?

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Dej: You're correct about the DVa of course, I'm just thinking if I can beat them then the DIIIs will be easier still. Mind you, I think the DIII's your favourite lady so perhaps it's better than the DVa?


I like all Albatros versions in their ways. You cannot compare a D II with a D Va in terms, which one was better.

They flew in different times, against different opponents.

In my graphic, you can see though, that the D II was a better climber than the D III.


D II: Empty 637 Kg (Max. start weight: 888 Kg)

DIII: Empty 661 Kg (Max. start weight: 886 Kg)

Tripe: 643 (probably empty, not noted in Wikipedia)


When we tangle with Tripes, I use my "Dolphin tactics" - I curve into a Tripes path and give her a burst;

then, when she turns hard left, I jump out of that turn to about 20 - 30 ° right, climbing a little, and see,

which one to jump on next in the same manner. Quickly, they are all damaged enough, that I can come

back and finish them off - one after the other.


PS: I didn't get correct detailed data for the Tripe's climb. The climbing data for the Albatros were detailed, in that they

show varying performance curves for the different altitudes.

Edited by Olham

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