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Missing decals with new patch

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Hey there guys,


Ive put this off while getting other issues fixed and the new patched installs set up how i like them, but there is this strange glitch on my new patch installs where certain aircraft

have decal issues and also strange aircraft numbering issues. For instance the F-4N phantom with the VF- 154 skin has a "D" folder that contains its decals yet they do not show up

in game with the new patch. also i get this weird Numbering issue where aircraft that were numbered like a normal VF/VMFA naval aviation squadron - 1 to 12 or 1-16 now randomly show up

numbered as if their are 80 aircraft in the squadron. very strange but the numbering issue only happens occasionally.


I read about a decal issue with the new patches several months ago but as I recall the problem people were having was because they did not have a "D" folder. The aircraft I am having issues

with all have their decals in a "D" folder, so something else is causing the trouble.


If someone could point me in the right direction with the decal problem it would be much appreciated. i did not see anything on this in the KB


Thank you

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Do a search for SF2 or Strike Fighters 2 and the thread wil appear.




Or try that link.



Thanks for the reply Dave, yes the problem I am having is exactly like what is being described in that thread except this is not Strike fighters 2 it is WOE with the sept/oct 2008 patch.

I will try the strike fighters 2 fix when i get home from work and see if that fixes it.

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Oops I need to read better. But I do think the above method does work for WOE.

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