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Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect

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Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect

Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect

By NeverEnough


This exhaust effect was inspired by the work of Deuces, Fubar512 and Spillone104.

After looking at lots of photos of the billowing smoke trails generated by the phantastic F-4 Phantom; I wanted to try to duplicate these big, greasy skidmarks in the sky.

The Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect is configured so that it may be used in either single engine or dual engine aircraft. The DBSingleExhaustEmitter will produce slightly more exhaust volume than the DBDualExhaustEmitter when used on a dual engine aircraft if you really want to accelerate global warming.

If you wish to have a slightly less smokey single engine aircraft, you could utilize the DBDualExhaustEmitter in a single engine aircraft.

Also included in the Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect package, is a particularly striking loading screen of the dirty end of a West German F-4F Phantom.


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Looks nice, i'll give it a try! :ok:

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I like the thickness and side views of it compaired to the "J79 Exhaust Effect", but I personally would like the trail to be longer, like the "J79 Exhaust Effect" to give it a 5 star.

Edited by Nightshift82

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I like the thickness and side views of it compaired to the "J79 Exhaust Effect", but I personally would like the trail to be longer, like the "J79 Exhaust Effect" to give it a 5 star.


Is actually possible to have both thickness and longer trail but there is a parameter to keep in mind.... It will kill the frame rate. :yes:

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It was Spillone104's J79 Exhaust Effect that provided the impetus to investigate how to increase the exhaust plume volume, while keeping his J79 Exhaust Effect's extended tail. The first thing I learned, was that Spillone104 must have spent a ton of time and effort working with all the different emitter parameters to put his Exhaust Effect together! The next thing that reared its ugly head was that combining the long exhaust plume with more volume results in a significant increase in emitter particles. The huge increase in particles rendered would just kill frame rates, and would create a slide show if multiple aircraft were on screen together.

This feeble attempt at "improving" the Dirty Exhaust Effect created by Deuces back in November, 2004 proved to illustrate how innovative the Effects Gurus have been with TK's sim and how steep the learning curve is to better utilize all that TK has given us to work with!

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