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Pov hatswitch

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Sorry if this is an easy one. But i've looked and looked and cant seem to figure out a way to be able to link looking around the plane with the hat switch via in game settings. Would i have to create a profile with my joystick software to mimick the numbers on the num pad?


And as a second part to the question i prefer the pan look to the snap view if possible.


Right now im using padlock as sort of a poor-man's track ir. But i'd like to be able to free look as well. I'd even settle for free look in the cockpit using the mouse. As that's how i've done it in most of my other flight sims. (when NOT in combat ofcourse) TY for any help.



Edited by Macklroy

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Sorry if this is an easy one. But i've looked and looked and cant seem to figure out a way to be able to link looking around the plane with the hat switch via in game settings. Would i have to create a profile with my joystick software to mimick the numbers on the num pad?


And as a second part to the question i prefer the pan look to the snap view if possible.


Right now im using padlock as sort of a poor-man's track ir. But i'd like to be able to free look as well. I'd even settle for free look in the cockpit using the mouse. As that's how i've done it in most of my other flight sims. (when NOT in combat ofcourse) TY for any help.






Can't say for certain without knowing what joystick/program you're using, but you have to press <Scroll Lock> to enable free panning. If it's too slow or too fast, you can adjust it with the following: http://www.polovski.com/OFFFAQ.htm#Q.__Can...crease_joystick


FYI, I'm using CH Fighterstick, CH Pro Throttle, CH Pro Pedals, and TrackIR with a profile written by Bonz at The CH Hangar http://www.ch-hangar.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6204 There are other CFS3 and OFF profiles there that may be more to your liking...



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