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Latest List Of Fixed Bugs In Upcoming Patch

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Matt posted the current list of fixes included in the upcoming patch Lots of good stuff in there, so please read to make sure your pet bug is addressed...


Lock On 1.01 Patch

18 December 2003


Corrections List:

  • Track to AVI tool is now working correctly.
  • Corrected sound and input program header files. This has increased the efficiency of sound files.
  • AI aircraft now only report "Radar On/Off" or "ECM On/Off" if it really has radar or ECM.
  • Localized "Unknown Error" message.
  • Corrected damage model for Su-33.
  • Corrected target loss problems for some air defense complexes.
  • Will not crash now if save state is created with an AWACS in the mission.
  • Player can now not view Hide lists for a mission that has been classified.
  • Player can now change payload of his or her aircraft in campaigns and classified single missions.
  • After exiting a training mission, the player now returns to the training mission selection screen.
  • External fuel tanks now add weight to the aircraft.
  • Corrected flight behavior of A-10 and Su-25 at low speed and AoA > 30 .
  • Removed first delay in A-10 bomb dropping when ripple interval > 1.
  • Corrected jumps of general visibility in Meteo selection.
  • AI will now go out to less range (8 km) when re-engaging a target with bombs/CBUs.
  • AI will now pop up to 500 m when attacking with gun or rockets.
  • MiG-23 and MiG-27 will not destroy themselves when attacking with gun or rocket.
  • Corrected A-10A pitch ladder so that it will not climb as the aircraft rolls.
  • Reduced radar look-down range reduction for F-15C.
  • Removed A-10A TVV on HUD when it is inside CCIP or gun/rocket pipper.
  • Removed F-15C bank and steering indicator on HUD when A2A mode.
  • Increased padlock field of view angles.
  • Corrected the lack of green radar zone triangle on Russian HDDs when an AWACS is in the mission.
  • Adjusted the aircraft reaction to small rudder inputs.
  • S-3A and S-3R now will fold their wings during taxiing.
  • Player can now switch between cockpits of flyable aircraft (Alt-j).
  • NyMax (maximum G) has been increased up to 9g for Su-27, Su-33 and Mig-29.
  • New MiG-29S CAP payloads have been added.
  • AGM-65D and AGM-65K now indicate correct seeker type in payload screen.
  • Maximum range of AIM-120C and R-77 was increased to 50 km.
  • Reduced the effect of radar range reduction when flying at low altitudes.
  • Corrected engagement range of S-300PS (SA-10) and Patriot.
  • AI will now engage with follow-on missile(s) if first has missed.
  • Corrected TrackIR centering problem.
  • Corrected probability of failures option. It is not always set to 0%.
  • Skill is defaulted to “Player” when a flyable aircraft is selected.
  • Game no longer crashes is player presses F3 while the game is paused at the start of a mission.
  • "Fuel Low" indication is correct now for the A-10A.
  • The visibility range of “Goal” targets has been increased.
  • Added advanced check of connections in the LAN Game.
  • Renamed "mi" to "nm" in labels.
  • Adjusted maximum radar range of some aircraft.
  • Set 150 shells for Mig-29 gun.
  • The wind direction dial now shows correct direction.
  • The R-27EM now has a semi-active radar seeker instead of an active radar seeker.
  • Chaff now works against semi-active seeker missiles.
  • Decreased effectiveness of chaff and flares against active and IR guided missiles.
  • Fixed crash game in Dinput8.dll on the Exit.
  • Fixed instability bug when saving stage of campaign.
  • Removed "Category" column from Debrief Event Log.
  • Players can now record voice-overs for Tracks.
  • Fixed several bugs for Win98/ME (white screen, low memory etc.)
  • Limited helicopter numbers from 1 – 10.
  • Fixed algorithm of finding course of routes in mission editor.
  • Fixed award white spaces in the Logbook for countries with less then 8 awards (e.g. Spain). You need to remove existing pilot, sorry.
  • Corrected wind-related flight effecgts for player and AI aircraft.
  • Corrected engine behavior after aerial refueling.
  • Corrected zero thrust phenomena in A-10 when flying at M>0.8.
  • Expanded range of R-60 in rear hemisphere.
  • Increased engine impulse for MICA missiles.
  • Values RCS for some planes and helicopters are adjusted.
  • Decreased maximum G for F-15C at low speed.
  • Corrected collisions for Mirage-2000 and, KAMAZ.
  • BANO, afterburner and other effects will not cast shadows now.
  • Cockpit camera speed control commands are functional (Ctrl+Left Shift, Alt+Left Shift, Right Shift+Left Shift). Corresponding speed values in the Config\View\View.cfg are functional too.
  • Labels are much more configurable now (Config/View/View.cfg).
  • ECM was removed from MiG-25PS.
  • The F-117 has no chaffs or flares now.
  • Incorrect route saving from state restoring is fixed both for Human and AI.
  • AWACS-View is now working in saved state games.
  • Corrected keyboard-only pitch control. Disabled automatic return to the neutral position.
  • Disabled mouse speed scaling for TrackIR.
  • Host can now respawn in multiplayer.
  • Missile and gun accuracy is greatly increased in multiplayer.
  • New text messages are now automatically shown at the top of the screen in multiplayer.
  • nForce2 lag problems have been significantly reduced.

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It's looking good. Seems they really focused on the most importante fixes first.

I'm anxious to test that NForce 2 fix.


PS: MadJeff, could you check your PM please? :)

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