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hello noob question sorry lack of time for testing and get it right by tryal and error see for your selfs there is sometinhg messed up whit the pivots






i dint make animation for them and i followed Mustang´s tutorial on the rudder to place the pivots do need to make something more in link info or animate them ???

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The model may be correct, but you may need to go into the data.ini and specify which axis to use for rotation.


I'm not on my computer at the moment but here is an example:





























Note the parameter in bold. Your options are X-AXIS, Y-AXIS, or Z-AXIS.



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The model may be correct, but you may need to go into the data.ini and specify which axis to use for rotation.


I'm not on my computer at the moment but here is an example:




Note the parameter in bold. Your options are X-AXIS, Y-AXIS, or Z-AXIS.



thanks im going to check that




Muito bom Cocas ! :victory:

Obrigado meu :good:

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Sorry tried to change and assing axis but it still has the same problem


do i need to animeted or not?


thanks for all the help



Edited by cocas

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Have you checked so that the axis is correctly aligned in max?

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Very rarely do you need to animate a flight control.


Okay, do the following steps:


1. Unlink the parts from the 'parent' meshes.

2. Save your file.

3. Select the particular mesh you are having problems with.

4. Goto the far right tab, click on it and look for the 'Reset XForm' button. Select the 'Reset XForm' button. Select the 'Reset Selection' button.

5. Assuming nothing strange has happened, select the tab that looks like a box with 3 boxes underneath (the Heirarchy tab). If something strange has happened, then just reload your file and try again.

6. Select the 'Affect Pivot Only' button. Select the 'Transform' button.

7. Move and align the pivot the way you want.

8. Relink your mesh.

9. If everything looks okay. save your file.

10. Repeat steps 1 to 9 for each mesh.

11. Save your file.

12. Export and try it out.


I would recommend for each flight control entry always having the following lines:





Also, I would initially have them the same in every entry (ie they always say X-AXIS and FALSE). Then test, find out which controls need an axis change (write down as you test). Change the axis until they are correct. THEN go and change the orientation if you need to. That's the fastest way to troubleshoot.



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got the aileron work like the should but need to reset de rudder it still moving in two axis at the same time???

thanks for the help guys :good:

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Shouldn't be moving in 2 axis at the same time (in fact, i don't think the TW engine is capable of that)...sounds like your axis are still misaligned.



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Shouldn't be moving in 2 axis at the same time (in fact, i don't think the TW engine is capable of that)...sounds like your axis are still misaligned.



very in fact well MPPD his helping out in project right its on his capable hands but thanks for the help FC

you realy helped my thanks a lot.



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Shouldn't be moving in 2 axis at the same time (in fact, i don't think the TW engine is capable of that)...sounds like your axis are still misaligned.




That is something I really understand - it would be a real problem (mathematical) to define that movement: which order of movement, rotate on rotated axis or not, ...




I really miss it :sorry:

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