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Adding Weapons Question

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Hey there. I have looked in the Knowledge Base and have read the adding weapons section. I'm starting to get a better handle on understanding the weapons editor. However I'm still confused about something. Where do I actually get the weapon data ini values from? For example some aircraft addons that you download will come with their own weapons and/or tanks. Included in the addon's instructions is usually weapons data text that you have to copy and add to your own WEAPONDATA.ini making sure to change the number to follow the order of what weapons you already have. Then you proceed to open up your WEAPONDATA using the weapons editor and going through the usual "click and save" procedure. I've done this successfully twice now adding tanks to the F-80 Shooting Star and F-104C-10 Starfighter. But these addons came with their own weapons files and WEAPONDATA.ini info for me to add using the weapons editor.


With this being said my issue right now is that I have no weapons selectable for the new F-102 save for the center-line station I believe. How do I go about making weapons available to this aircraft? I also have other misc aircraft/stations that have no weapons available. I have one of the latest MF weapons packs installed.


Thanks for your patience and any help. I'm trying to get this down so that I'll understand it once and for all.

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  Coot said:
Hey there. I have looked in the Knowledge Base and have read the adding weapons section. I'm starting to get a better handle on understanding the weapons editor. However I'm still confused about something. Where do I actually get the weapon data ini values from? For example some aircraft addons that you download will come with their own weapons and/or tanks. Included in the addon's instructions is usually weapons data text that you have to copy and add to your own WEAPONDATA.ini making sure to change the number to follow the order of what weapons you already have. Then you proceed to open up your WEAPONDATA using the weapons editor and going through the usual "click and save" procedure. I've done this successfully twice now adding tanks to the F-80 Shooting Star and F-104C-10 Starfighter. But these addons came with their own weapons files and WEAPONDATA.ini info for me to add using the weapons editor.


With this being said my issue right now is that I have no weapons selectable for the new F-102 save for the center-line station I believe. How do I go about making weapons available to this aircraft? I also have other misc aircraft/stations that have no weapons available. I have one of the latest MF weapons packs installed.


Thanks for your patience and any help. I'm trying to get this down so that I'll understand it once and for all.

copy in folder whit lods to weapons folder or copy the lods to same folder then open the weapons editor and use th merge tool and merge the weapon ini that came whit the addon whit your own weapon ini note open frist your older weapon ini the one that came whit the weapons pack and click on merge and choose the addon ini this will update your weapon ini whit noly the weapons that you dont have on the pack.


i have done this many times and merge whit sucesse bunyap´s pack whit the Mirage factory pack only need to work in some minor not show up lod issues

poiting wend need to lod or folder but now most weapons come on folders so no problem ther hope that i have helped you



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Let Me reccomend this as a good start. Go to the Downloads section here, and under "Weapons Add-Ons", Go there and Download the 2.5.2 Community Weapons Pack. Install it per directions, but "Back Up" Your Current Weapons Folder to see how this is done. I reccomend this only because it gets One use to the current File Structure. There are other Weapons Packs such as TMF's that are self Installers. You can install their's. But I reccomend Installing it to a Temporary Folder. Then adding it to the current state of Your Install. It adds aditional Files such as Effects and such. So does the eariler Bunyap's addition.


Next, I would look in the Knowledge Base on the Subject of "Merging Weapons with the Weapons Editor" or use the "Search Function" of this Forum at the Top of the Page here on past Posts on the Subject. The Merging Function (Or "Button") of the Weapons Editor takes the Current WeaponsData.INI, In It's Current state, And Merges with any other WeaponsData.ini supplied with Weapons Packs or Aircraft. It Merges in a fashion that only writes (or call it Adding) Information to the Current WeaponsData.INI that You don't already have.


The reason I'm stating this is that over the period of 7 Years, and many Weapons Packs have evolved, We as a Community stand at over 2000+ Weapons. That's a far cry from the 114 that SFP1 came out with in 2002.


Hope this helps some, I'll check back to see if You have any more Questions......




Edited by 331Killerbee

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Thanks for the reply but I'm still not quite understanding. I'm trying to make weapons available for planes in my game that have no weapons showing up. Those addons that I mentioned above were just my example. Addons like these that come with their own weapons and provided WEAPONDATA info for me to add using the weapon editor I seem to be okay on. Its with aircraft that I install that do not come with such information that I do not know where to begin when they don't have weapons showing up in the loadout menu.

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Coot, Many of the problems with Weapons not showing up, Is the fact some are the same Weapon, but are using different Nomenclatures in the Loadout.INI of that Aircraft. For example, Someone might make a Mig and in it's Loadout, have listed R-13 on the Stations, When in fact, It's listed as AA-1 in the WeaponsData.ini......This is just a matter of not make Standards as far as Nomenclatures of Weapons go.....Especially Soviet and WP Weapons. It's not that bad on the US/NATO Side, but it happens. If Weapons are not showing up, And YOU KNOW that You've installed that Weapon. Then it's more that likley a Loadout.INI Mistake......

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Usually when that happens......The Builder will list the .LOD as , for example, R-13.LOD but the Information says in the WeaponsData.ini under "Type Weapon" as AA-1.....Other than that. I'd look at Wrench's Weapons Loadouts Posts in the Weapons Section of the KB. He's been spending time sorting these kind of things out.....


BTW....R-13 is the Russian listing of a Missile. AA-1 is the NATO listing of the same Missile. That's where alot of the confusion comes from.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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If this is not clear to You. Give Me an example of an Aircraft You want Weapons to show. If You need to, Post and Paste the Information pertaining to that Aircraft here and We'll figure it out......Plus, Others can learn from it....If You are still having Problems....


The two first forms of Imformation We'll need is the Loadout.ini of that Aircraft and the Weapon that You want to show on it....


Well, hollar' back if You're still having Problems.....

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Thanks everybody for the responses. It happens to me all the time with different aircraft. 331Killerbee, thanks for the help. Let me use the F-102 for my example as I do need weapons to show up for it. Here is the F-102's Loadout.ini


// Station 1 = Genie Bay

// Station 2 = Left Front Missile Station

// Station 3 = Right Front Missile Station

// Station 4 = Left Rear Missile Station

// Station 5 = Right Rear Missile Station

// Station 6 = Left Wing Station

// Station 7 = Right Wing Station

// Station 8 = rockets






































As far as what weapons I'd to show up, this is where I suppose I'm confused, I just need any weapon to show up and to be selectable.

Thanks again.

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Next Step, See if You have these Weapons listed under "Weapons Type" in Your WeaponsData.INI. A quick way of doing this is open the WeaponsData.INI with Windows Note Pad, At the top on the Tool Bar under "Edit", Click "Find" and see if You have these Weapons in there listed exactly as I list them......








Make a List of the ones Note Pad doesn't find......


From that List, Well have to find You a Pack that has those Weapons. If You have those Weapons, We'll move to Step Three...

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Okay 331Killerbee here's what I got: I searched for all of those weapons in my WEAPONDATAini but it could not find any of the weapons. If it helps, I believe I installed the SFP1_WOV_WOE_Weapon_Pack_01_02_08 weapons pack.




Hmmm. I just went back to double check on those weapons and I can't even get the search to find "Weapons Type" in my WEAPONDATA.ini


Is the text search trustworthy? Sometimes I find that its seems to be a little finicky.

Edited by Coot

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Sounds like You haven't installed the Comunity Weapons Pack 2.5.2 or Bunyap's. These Weapons are in those those Packs with the exception of the Tank360_F102. It came with the Model. I recommend the Community Pack because it is Bunyap's Pack updated some with additional Weapons. The reason I say this is that TMF's Pack doesn't have AIM-4's....That's a tale, tale Sign........

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Thank you sir I'll try that out and see what happens.

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Thanks again everyone for the help. Thanks 331Killerbee for all the pointers and your time. That weapons pack you linked me to did do the trick. I've got all sorts of weapons now to choose from. If you are still willing, could we still work out a test scenario on adding a specific weapon just so that I can learn how to do it? I wouldn't even know what kind of example to create as this weapon packs seems to do it all. But if we could do one just the same that would be great. And I'll definitely be making a copy of this thread for my Misc important Strike Fighters notes for future reference.

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Consider these as 'generic steps' in adding a weapon. It come right from the readme for a F-89 Scorpion mod I did. When weapons need adding n any mod I do, such instructions are always included....


REMEMBER .. this is JUSt an example. And is covered QUITE fully in several posts in our Conviently Located Knowledge Base



=To Install the New FFARs:


What this little tweek does, along with the changes in the loadout ini, removed the need for the F-89 rocket pods, as used in the weapons pak. Your flightmates will NOW engage targets with their unguided rockets. This is almost identical to the fixes recently posted by me for the MiG-17PF and -17PF (SP-16). Again, thanks MUST go the Lexx_Luthor for discovering a way to make the unguided rockets a semi-viable weapon


Alrigthty then...lets get to adding those new weapons...

Open your weapons data ini with your text editor of choice....then Copy/Paste the data below into it.

Where **** is the next number in sequence; so don't forget to add it.




FullName=Mk.4 Mighty Mouse Rocket
































































Save and close your text editor.

Open the weapons editor --MAKING SURE IT IS THE LATEST VERSION -

Most of you should be pretty familiar with the procedure for adding weapons, but again, I'm going to repeat it as somebody is always exceedingly HUA about this, and will FUBAR their entire weapons install.....


1) using the weapons editor, open the weaponsdata.ini from whatever version/install of the game you've placed this mod into.

2) Scroll down until you find the entry for the "MMHE1". It'll be the last one on the list.

3) Double click on the entry, to open up the data section and at this point --DO NOTHING ELSE!!!-

click the 'OK" button and return to the main screen.

3) Click "SAVE", and then

4) "CLOSE"



That should pretty much cover it all!!!


If you wish, I'll provide a link to the illustrated "using the weapons editor'' turorial. Many times, such things DO help!! :wink: (hell, I needed it the first meself!!)



kevin stein

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And You know, I was about to Post that there's this Ole' Guy by the Name of "Wrench" that is just like a living SF Library of Information. I was about to state that Wrench has dedicated a whole "Knowledge Base" here with Information to help out all Levels of Modders from Beginners to the "Old Salts".


But I don't have to do that now........Thanks much Kevin!

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My pleasure!!!


In fact, the original reason Dave made me a Moderator, was to watch-dog the KB; try to keep it up to date, edit, and generaly create some semblance of chaos , er...order out of it. As with all things, it's very much a work in progress, and I DO fall behind in keeping things up.


fer instance, I just updated the "What Available" listing in the First Section; which needs updating again with the relase of the Comet tank...



kevin stein

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If you don't mind posting that link Wrench that would be great. Then I'll make a copy of that link and this thread for my personal files. Thanks again everyone for all of your help and time responding. I know my that my question has probably been asked umpteen times so I thank you all for your patience and willingness to answer them again.

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here ya go, my brother...




It's pretty basic; it left off the first step of adding via text edit that I showed above. But other than that, that's pretty much it.



kevin stein

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Thanks again gentlemen. :good:

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  331Killerbee said:
Naw.....Just glad I could have been some Help.


hope this is the right place to ask - Helicopter loadouts in dogfight mp'er -aa missles - I have tried everything - nothing seems to work to make them appear - they appear in single player fine - the uht tiger works with aa missles on default loadout.ini I cant find any differences---Help

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Prolly because helos don't do CAP.....


let them stick with CAS and ARMED_RECON. The a-a missiles they load are 'for defensive purposes ONLY'



kevin stein

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