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No enemies?

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Just completed my fourth mission with Fokker Eindecker, and nothing! Never encountered a single enemy plane. I found some friendly flights, returning or going to the frontline, but no enemy planes to shoot down. Anyone knows why??

Also, I play two missions every day, at this pace, how many missions will I need to complete the war? Is not possible to accelerate the number of missions?

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In "workshop", you can choose, how many flights you make per day. You can also click "manual advance"

or how it's called. Then you can switch forward yourself.

The density of enemy flights depends much on the time of war, when you fly, and were you fly.

Some areas are very quiet. But you can enter the war a bit later. When coosing a Squadron or Jasta,

you can also click the time forward; you see, were the Squad. was then, and which planes they got.

When you come to the plane you like, just enter there.

In early wartime, I think the Douai / Arras area is good for more action. But the air activity got more

late 1916, early 1917; and is most heavy in 1918.

Edited by Olham

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