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Given its almost complete lack of maneuverability but its plus dive speed, Spads are a plane that should not get in a turning fight and instead use high energy tactics. What are some tips for this bird? No matter what I do, it seems I get pulled into a turning fight because I always find a fokker on my tail and no amount of climbing or diving ever allows me to shake an EA. Even my wingmen in their Spads seem to have no prayer in this plane.

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this is astounding, since all AI-Spads are flying rings around all of my Albatros type planes - :wink:


The difference of capabilities between AI and own plane of the same type is indeed strange .. as well AI planes can still dive vertically without losing wings, and have no problems in thick clouds - neither in manouevering nor in knowing perfectly my position. Grrr..




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this is astounding, since all AI-Spads are flying rings around all of my Albatros type planes - :wink:


The difference of capabilities between AI and own plane of the same type is indeed strange .. as well AI planes can still dive vertically without losing wings, and have no problems in thick clouds - neither in manouevering nor in knowing perfectly my position. Grrr..






Id simply blame it on my lack of piloting skills in the Spad, but when using the Camel, I can take on 4 of anything and never worry about being outmaneuvered even against those odds (steering clear of the ground is another thing....). Obviously the Camel is almost in a league of its own, but what Im doing isnt entirely wrong at least. Ill try monkeying around with the Spad's trim as that could certainly play a major role.

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Given its almost complete lack of maneuverability but its plus dive speed, Spads are a plane that should not get in a turning fight and instead use high energy tactics. What are some tips for this bird? No matter what I do, it seems I get pulled into a turning fight because I always find a fokker on my tail and no amount of climbing or diving ever allows me to shake an EA. Even my wingmen in their Spads seem to have no prayer in this plane.



The AI don't seem to follow exactly the same rules that we do with regards to plane performance. Ever see one of your N17 wingman crack up in a dive even though they will always beat you to the deck? I haven't flown in a career yet with a spad, but I was smacking down some ace DIII's in quick combat with a SPAD VII. I also remember someone else posting that they were beginning to like it, so maybe they will jump in with some tips!



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Well hopefully I was wrong! I had forgotten all about null zones in MSFS series (no doubt because OFF is nothing like it!) and realized my null zone and sensitivities were at their (very annoyingly set!) defaults. Bumped the sensitivity up and the null zone down and flight was much better; well other than having lost elevator control until started a new flight. Actually shot down a Alb. DII in QC with the Spad until I ran out of ammo. Im almost scared to see what the Camel will be like now! And I haven't even touched any of the triplanes in OFF3 yet... :biggrin:

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