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While I truly enjoy FE and the 3rd wire patches, for quite a while now I've been really struggling with flying at altitude above 5000 ft because the view of the ground basically disappears from the cockpit and I get disoriented, especially with thick cloud around. I have horizon set at MAX, fortunately my GPU can take it.


However that d_nm white horizon band is killing my enjoyment of this game! I know it is there to hide the ugly zig-zag where the tiles "end" in the distance, but I think I'd prefer that. Otherwise I feel there is a severe restriction in the playable altitude.


Can anyone please just simply point me in a direction within the enviromental.ini to where this might be modded? Perhaps it is in the deeper code even...



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I agree B. Its a major distraction, IMO.

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Im actually working on this problem now. There were a few things I didnt like.... 1st being that same white band and the other was the bad weather made it impossible for a human to fight the AI which (stupidly) the AI has no problems targetting you !!! I think there should have been a way to have the AI under the same restriction as we have. you can have 100% fog and the AI will shoot you dead in a few shots and you can't even see where they are at and you WILL lose target lock.


The white band is getting close to being a non issue but even with my code changes if your up real high alt its there somewhat. I will try and get some time this week to finish the mod.


I also hav it where there is some space around your plane in thick fog so you can at least see for a ways out. This way you can stand a chance in dense fog to DF an AI plane and avoid the how did I get shot thing. :blink:


I will post the mod as soon as I get a few more things worked out. :biggrin:

Edited by Firecage

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