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ODS and missing weapons

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help me dave! i gots no weapons! i searched the knowledge base, but no matter how i word it it returns no results, . i followed instructions, (clean install, yadda yadda yadda)i tried saving weapons ini using weapons editor, but no joy, the enemies are havin a field day until i get some ordinance!

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You dont have to do anything with the weapons. It has its own weps pack. And its ready to go out of the box.

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i know, thats why i am confused,,,maybe i will re install it

can i reinstall over the existing install or should i run the uninstaller?

(gwar smiles and waves)

Edited by gwar

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Do a clean install. Just to be safe. Let me know.

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I could be mistaken (it happens usually only on leap years), but I think there's a great readme included with recommended steps for installation starting with a clean install. Proceed in any other manner at ye own peril!!!

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