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I've resumed work on a Jaguar M (ini dance not a new model) and have more or less got it ready to release however I'm having trouble getting it to work properly with carriers in post Oct 08 installs.


If flying from land then thers no problems and if flying from a carrier in pre Oct 08 then theres no problem however in a post patch install the aircraft will either rotate to the right around the long axis while on the cat wating to launch or will pitch up violently / yaw 90 degrees to the right as soon as it clears the cat.


I dont get this behaviour with other aircraft so its not the carrier causing the problem. I tried a search but didnt ome accross anything simillar being reported, any ideas guys?



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in the data ini, do you have this entry?





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whats the CG position in the Jag dat aini ?

If it is different than 0,0,0 , set it to that value

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