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Very, very weird memory problem

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A shout out to the techies here...


I am shooting a very weird problem with memory on my Presario.


I recently replaced the power supply btw.


When I install BOTH sticks of memory (512M total) I get errors in Memtest. When I run with only one stick (either one in either slot) I get NO errors. They are, as far as I can tell, identical 256M sticks of Kingston memory.


Could I be having a problem with the motherboard where communications between the two memory slots is porked? I really can't think of anything else.


Any ideas would be appreciated.





Edited by kirbykern

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I'm not an expert on that by any means, but it could be your memory or it could be the motherboard. Sometimes the problem is with one, but while the other isn't broken it's just incapable of overcoming the true problem.

So in other words, your RAM could be bad, but your mobo can only compensate with one stick and 2 overwhelms its ability to cope. Likewise your mobo could be having the trouble, but it's only apparent when using 2 sticks and with just 1 it will do whatever you want no issues.

Without another pair of RAM sticks and/or mobo for testing, it's almost impossible to determine which. You could try flashing the mobo BIOS...

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A shout out to the techies here...


I am shooting a very weird problem with memory on my Presario.


I recently replaced the power supply btw.


When I install BOTH sticks of memory (512M total) I get errors in Memtest. When I run with only one stick (either one in either slot) I get NO errors. They are, as far as I can tell, identical 256M sticks of Kingston memory.


Could I be having a problem with the motherboard where communications between the two memory slots is porked? I really can't think of anything else.


Any ideas would be appreciated.






The issue with your Dual ROM slots communications. Check the timings and/or relax them and also give the RAM more volts. Also disable legacy USB in BIOS and/or upgrade chipset drivers

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