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Has anyone done much of this in Vista? I just got SF2: Vietnam. I am not at all experienced in modding. I have tried to use the instructions in the knowledge base, but some things don't match up, such as file locations. I'm trying to add aircraft,specifically the MiG-21 package, but I can't find the main ini. files that I'm supposed to change. When I open the aircraft folders, there is a configuration settings folder, but there is no main ini. in there. There are aircraftdatafile, loadoutfile, and userlist ini.'s, but I don't which to change or how exactly to change them to get them to work. Also, I tried to add the newest F-102 mod, but I can't find the objects/weapons directory that is necessary to make it work properly. Can anyone give me some help?

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Ok I got the MiG-21 pack to work by deleting the MiG files that came with the game and pasting in the ones from the pack, but now the MiG-21s have no skins.

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Moved to the proper Forum. And...


PLEASE do not post in the Knowledge Base!!! All the usual questions go here, in the regular forums.


thank you!



kevin stein

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Ok I got the MiG-21 pack to work by deleting the MiG files that came with the game and pasting in the ones from the pack, but now the MiG-21s have no skins.


You didn't need to delete anything tbh - the skin for an aircraft will be in a subfolder of the actual aircraft itself so check its there - at least i think it is - have'nt had time to install sf2/sf3v yet :)


The knowledge base is mainly written for the first generation of games - SF2 and SF2:V have completely different file structures to the previous games but they are still essentially the same game - just search on a few old threads and you will see where you need to put things in the new games.

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there's a seperate SF2 and SF2:V forum there as well...



kevin stein

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