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SPAD XIII in flight - and she can bank!

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Note, how quick she lifts off up high! Enjoy!

Edited by Olham

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Nice video-- I like the close up at the end.


That high power motor sure does it credit in climbing, and no accelerated stall-spin! :smile:

Edited by SirMike1983

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Note, how quick she lifts off up high! Enjoy!


Nice. In OFF, once you get up to flying speed, the XIII leaps off the ground just like in this video. To somebody enured to just barely getting over the treetops in a Fee for so long, it's like what Galland thought of the 262: "It feels like angels are pushing". This doesn't last long, however, which this video also shows. That's just a zoom climb, which is what you do in a fight. Sustained climb is rather less impressive, but still enough to get decent altitude before you reach the lines.


What this video does show is that the real XIII has considerably better low-speed performance than the OFF version. I doubt that real Spad was doing more than about 60 knots on final approach, and did a few passes at rather less than 90 knots. I'm not saying the OFF Spad can't bank, but you have to be MOVING when you do it.

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I tried the SPAD VII, and it is much more fun to fly (but only one gun).

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I've spent quite a few hours flying the Spad VII in OFF, and if only it had more firepower, it would be one of my favourites. Therefore I was a bit surprised when I noticed the unforgiving low speed characteristics of the Spad XIII, with which I have much less experience. I agree with Bullethead - the video shows the Spad perform quite beautifully at low speed.

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