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Latest Nvidia XP Graphics driver V185.85

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New driver for Nvidia users on XP, 185.85 available at www.nvidia.com.

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Have you tried it CJ?

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If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


I've heard these drivers have something called 'Ambient Occlusion', which slaughter FPS for no visible advantage (may or may not activate automatically with a given game, may be the game has to support it).


If your game/drivers are working good don't mess with new drivers is my advice.

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I've installed it, but haven't tried it yet. After the wee one goes to bed I'll try it and report back.



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I am running these on my 8800GT equiped Windows 7 box and so far they seem real nice. For now, I would recommend you turn off Ambient Occlusion as not many games support it.


One thing I did notice is that the little white triangles that used to appear when I moved my TiR4 around really quick have disappeared. Not sure it's a product of the drivers or not as I also made some other Workshop graphics adjustments recently, but whatever the cause, they are gone and I am happy.



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New driver for Nvidia users on XP, 185.85 available at www.nvidia.com.


Works well with my GTX 260. Appears to be a bit of a bump in fps and the graphic rendering is even smoother in the sim. A keeper for me.

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Where is Ambient Occlusion? I cant find it. It's in the Nvidia Control Panel yeah?



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