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A little metric help needed

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Ok, what I have is a 295 gallon belly tank. I'd no problem converting the gallons -> liters, which worked out to 1116.4. What I'm need is HOW much it weighs, in kilograms, for the weapons data ini weight section


one the online converts I found saind 1.04 kg per liter, which gives me a weight (more or less) of 1073kg. Is 'in the ballpark'?





kevin stein

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AFAIK , 1 liter is 1 Kilogram, and it will allways be.


and 1gallon is about 3,7 liters

so with this count, 295 gallons will be 1091,5 liters that will be 1091,5 Kg


Edit:erm, nvm, ISU uses m³ and not liter, but yes, what was teached me 1 liter=1kg

Edited by Silverbolt

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Well, if you want to go the long way around, a US gallon of jet fuel = 6.7 pounds. Then convert pounds to kilos...that's how I do it.



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AFAIK , 1 liter is 1 Kilogram, and it will allways be.


Of water.


Not jet fuel.



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Of water.


Not jet fuel.





:blush2: highschool.

i thought just the density was different.


btw,yesterday was revealed the blackbox content of an Learjet accident...the pilots had made a mistake during the conversion and of of the tiptanks was empty,so... they had crashed over a house :blink:

Edited by Silverbolt

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thanks guys!


and the aircraft data ini uses KG for the weight in the Internal Fuel Tanks, right???


so...if I have 1420 liters, total, split between 3 fuse tanks...give 474 (apporx) liters each...then just convert



kevin stein

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thanks guys!


and the aircraft data ini uses KG for the weight in the Internal Fuel Tanks, right???


so...if I have 1420 liters, total, split between 3 fuse tanks...give 474 (apporx) liters each...then just convert



kevin stein


Just a few handy things:


1 US Gall. = 3,78 liter

1 kgf = 1,234 liter (see below)

1 lb = 0.4536 kgf

data.ini uses kilos but it does depend on the sort of fuel used in connection with the available volume

Official KLu doc. ferry flight Cold Lake - Leeuwarden on 24-04-2006 gives the F16AMLU 7294 lbs int. fuel = 3308 kgf (JP8), or in other documentation 6949 lbs/ 3103 kgf (JP4, back in the '80's ?) depending on the density/specific weight of the fuel. JP4/JP8 have density/spec weights of 0.76 and 0.81 respectively.

Hardly any F16 and some other planes as well have the correct internal amount of fuel in the SF/WOX family... :dntknw: In lots of cases liters, kilos or even worse pounds are mixed up :haha:


Hou doe,


Derk :wink:

Edited by Derk

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What Derk said, multiply the volume in litres by the specific density of the fuel. There's an entry for it in the tactical system in the Lynx 8, we always use 0.81 for AVCAT/AVTUR/ anything else we're allowed.

Pure water has a specific density of 1.0 and salt water is 1.024. Amazing what you learn on a marine engineering degree...

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"Pure water has a specific density of 1.0 and salt water is 1.024. "


Have fun in the Dead Sea !!! :blink:


Hou doe,


Derk :wink:

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