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My new job is leaving me with a little more free time, so I wanted to try contributing something to the community (as well as fully equip one of my favorite aircraft). My goal is to make the AAM-4, ASM-1, ASM-1C/SSM-1B, and ASM-2 missiles.

I don't have a 3D modeling program yet and thus have no way to make something from scratch, so I decided to try altering existing weapons with a hex editor and my ancient Paint Shop Pro 4. After much trial and error, this is what I ended up with:




What I used for reference:












I based the AAM-4 off the (stock?) Sparrow, and the ASMs off of the Sea Eagle from Bunyap's weapon pack. They're the exact same diameter and wingspan which gave me a good starting point. Does anyone know who made the original model? I hope it's someone who signed the "Freeware Licensing" post.


I'd appreciate any advice or criticism. With enough positive feedback I'll finish these and upload them, and maybe invest in some software to cook up some original models. Otherwise I can just go back to lurking. :good:

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You know there's a JASDF weapons pack in the downloads section...

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Huh. Well, the JSDF pack only had the AAM-3 & 5, and I had no idea the ASMs were tucked away in a different pack. This is what I get for not keeping up with new releases. :blush:




No matter. I learned a lot, and I kinda like my versions better anyway. I think I’ll order some software.

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