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German propellor textures

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I've noticed that all the German WW2 addon aircraft have yellow-tipped props, which is incorrect; they were generally painted RLM 70 schwarzgrun, without coloured tips. So does anybody know of correct replacement textures which will do the job? I've tried by myself, but so fat, all I've done is make a hash of it...

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On Wolfs' birds or DAT birds??


I'll have a leak at it, and see what I can come up with.. I'll be making decals all day anyway, and one more tga wont make a difference one way or t'other!!


btw, we're talking the FASTPROP and SLOWPROP.tgas, right?



kevin stein

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That's right. And some have really horrible alpha layers, too, with a rather granulous texture which looks too opaque and frankly, bloody awful!


BTW, Russ says you've got some stuff to do with a variant of his Bf109E-4 (it is an E-4, not and E-3) - I'm trying to get conversions to an E-4 Trop, and E-7, and an E-7 Trop... No harm in asking!





Edit: Wait a bit on the prop - I've just found one - from the DAT Bf109B. I'll have to test it on the others. It's for a two-blade prop, so it may not look right.

Edited by ndicki

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