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Can We Change History..??

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Just wondering, after having read the book by Cmdr "Sharky" Ward (RN), if we choose to fly for the Argies, and sucessfully prosecute both the Hermes and Invincible (to the point of not allowing the Harriers to take off), will we actually be able to alter virtual history and win the war for the "home" team..??


I have a few tattical theories that I wish to try out..:)



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Just wondering, after having read the book by Cmdr "Sharky" Ward (RN), if we choose to fly for the Argies, and sucessfully prosecute both the Hermes and Invincible (to the point of not allowing the Harriers to take off), will we actually be able to alter virtual history and win the war for the "home" team..??


Indeed it'll be the main goal for flyers in the argentine side. Believe me, it won't be easy to take down both carriers. But some said that hitting just one carrier with an Exocet to the point of putting it out of action would be enough for the withdrawn of the task force from the area, hindering the landings in the isles. I don't think so, if Hermes was severely damaged and had to be retired from the area, I think Invincible could hold on pretty well - don't think the brits would retreat with the loss of one carrier - but loosing both carriers, then I think Cmdr "Sharky" is right...


I have a few tattical theories that I wish to try out..


In the meanwhile I reccomend to try a 1999 title called Jane's Fleet Commander, more specifically loading one of the single missions called "Nuestras Malvinas", it is highly hypotethical / ficticious with argie jets taking off from an extended runway in the isles, and Sea Harriers of the later type, armed with AIM-120. But despite the shortcomings it gives a good insight on a realtime naval engagement in that operations theater regarding surface vessel capabilities, and approx. blockade tactics. It's worth the bargain bin value for this scenario alone. :)

Edited by Dante-JT

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