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Now I got a Problem!

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LMAO...not really!


I guess this is a sort of convoluted 'thank you' to all of the developers out there.


I have modded all of my games so much, with new terrains, cloud sets etc, I think that some versions of previous add-ons have corrupted newer ones. So, I think it's time to wipe everything out and start all over again!

I'm not relishing this task; it will take me at least a few days, but must be done! I do have a few questions though:


I have used Polaks skymods with the new version of Widesky, and I think this causes some corruption. Anybody else seen this?


CA_Stary; you're 'Hollywood' style effects are awesome, thanks man!


Also, thanks for the new Germany and Vietnam tilesets. What is the best desert tileset ( for SFP1) please?


Lastly (and I think I am making an error here) When I do a CAT extraction, I end up with a ton of stuff in my OBJECTS directory. I'm not sure if this is how it should be? I usually only do a CAT extraction of Objects for adding weapons.


As usual, thanks to all in advance.


Andy. :good:

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I have used Polaks skymods with the new version of Widesky, and I think this causes some corruption. Anybody else seen this?


I have only just put it in there and tried it once with no problems. So far.



What is the best desert tileset ( for SFP1) please?


I would try this one.




Lastly (and I think I am making an error here) When I do a CAT extraction, I end up with a ton of stuff in my OBJECTS directory. I'm not sure if this is how it should be?


Looks you extracted the entire cat file. Which is not a problem. You just have a lot of extra file you do not need. I would just delete anything else that is not needed after you extract what you want.




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Thanks Dave.


What I've never understood (and this could be me) is that when I've used the CAT extractor, I've never seen that you have been able to extract, say, just weapons. I also can't remember if the sim builds a WEAPONS subfolder within OBJECTS after the install.


I'll start a reinstall of WoV and patch shortly. If I screwed up before, could be the cause of all the weapons ed issues I've had.





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  AJTucker said:
Thanks Dave.


What I've never understood (and this could be me) is that when I've used the CAT extractor, I've never seen that you have been able to extract, say, just weapons. I also can't remember if the sim builds a WEAPONS subfolder within OBJECTS after the install.


I'll start a reinstall of WoV and patch shortly. If I screwed up before, could be the cause of all the weapons ed issues I've had.






No you have to build the make the weapons folder yourself. If you are using the old cat extractor check double click the time you want and it will extract that only.

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Cheers again Dave.


We'll really need to chat soon. Off to the Phil. on 9th June to see my new daughter. Don't worry man, she gets her looks from her mum....




AJ :biggrin:

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  AJTucker said:
Don't worry man, she gets her looks from her mum....


Thank heavens for small miracles. :biggrin:

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