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SF2V - Enjoying the SPAD!

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This is the main reason I got SF2V, and I'm thrilled to bits with it! So I've fitted the cockpit from somebody's Royal Navy What-if Skyraider - I wish I knew whose! - and fiddled about a bit to get the decals working... Love it! Don't nitpick the skins too much - I have no idea at all about USAF, USN or VNAF markings.

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The skyraider mk.1 was mine.



kevin stein

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Suspected it might be!


Would you agree to my pillaging it for parts to release a flyable version for SF2V? :smile:

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If you can wait a bit, when Monty finishes redoing the LODs for his A-1H, and the new package is releaed, you can have a WHOLE new, repainted, properllerized A-4B cockpit. (since these AF versions didn't use their radar, and most had the scope removed from the pit, and blocked off -which works out just fine using the Scooter B's pit)


(the gauges ACTUALLY work! and more or less read correctly!!!) I'll try to get a screenie up later today.



kevin stein

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Ok, as promised, here's the repainted, relettered, readjusted not-even-close-to-real-life ™ Stand-In Generic ™ propeller pit for Monty's SPAD.


all the needles have been recalibrated (and what a frakking nightmare THAT is!), although I'm not happy with the temp gauge -- can't quite get the needle to stay down in the 100-250 deg range.

Also, there's 2 easter eggs in/on the pit ... one you can't see (excepty by viewing the panel.bmp, as that FIRE warning light on the right covers it up. Damn, it was a funny one too!!), the other is on the clock face, right now hidden by the hands.


Nigel, since I don't have SF2V yet, if you want to Test Fly it for me in the stock 3W SPAD, shoot me a PM, and I'll get the files to you, via a link from my site. Right now, it's all set up for WoE in the 08 patch level. I DO know it works just fine in SF2, as I've been testing Monty's new A-1H rebuild in there. So, theroetically .....


Like I always say, it ain't perfect, but it works and it's freeware



kevin stein

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Never gotten used to the slowness of the plane.

Bombing techniques for jets don't work nicely.

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Always glad to test new kit! I've sent a PM.

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