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Life is good at this moment in time

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Passing all of my subjects, hopefully getting out of maths B (which is bloody hard) and going into maths A, secured my position as an Aircraft technician in the RAAF, hopefully starting my basic next year, but if they say i have to start in December im all good with that. So excited for it! Err what else, got great mates, everything is just great, got no worries or anything :good:

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Nice, but dont go proclaiming this to the cosmos too often, she has a way of smackin ya down just when you think things are great,,,

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Exactly, in like 6 hours you'll be posting an "OMG LIFE SUX!!!!!11111" thread...

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Exactly, in like 6 hours you'll be posting an "OMG LIFE SUX!!!!!11111" thread...


I really hope not, because that will mean that im still awake, making it 4:30am, and i dont want to be on here at 4:30 in the morning.

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Bravo Zulu!

We expect nothing less from a member double blessed as a Scouser and a POHMy.

:ph34r: CL

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