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Wing tanks with different pylons

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With the F-4C/D series I'm about to release, I updated the wing tanks to have the pylons be part of the tank when jettisoned (as I found out is what actually happens), but I have a question about the pylons. They are actually opposite hand with minor differences. Is there a way to call out the tank from the weapon selection page and have the tank/pylon combo be different? If I make them both part of the same .LOD they won't jettison as realistically, and the selection menu entry will be odd. There are few enough weapon stations to make each tank have their own, and again loading is odd.


My best bet I think is to cheat them a bit and make them symmetrical and everyone will be happy.



Mike D.

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Best way to use different shaped pylons, wich are jettisoned with the tanks, would be to build two tanks. One with the left Pylon attached to it, one with the right pylon. Name the right version tank the same like the left, except add a "r" to the end.

Check the box "Asymmetrical" in weapon editor and place there the name of the right tank LOD name (just the name, no ".lod"!)

When you now select "2 F-4C Wing Tanks" in loadout menu, the game uses the LOD "F-4CWingTankr.lod", for example, while the left LOD is the "F-4CWingTank.lod".

Maybe check the F-104 fueltanks, as they use this feature!

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Super, that's exactly what I was looking for - plus an example already in use. Thanks very much.



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