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Firstly - Have a look in those folders and make sure the files you extracted are in the correct folders using windows explorer.

Your FA-18F folder should be sitting in the aircraft folder with the stock ones.


IMO never extract directly into your game - asking for trouble really - instead create a new folder on your desktop and extract all the files into that - then manually move them into the right place.


If you added any weapons the files should be in the objects\Weapons folder - and to get them in the game you need to use the correct version of the weapons editor - otherwise it wont work - see the knowledgebase or old threads on that

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Ok.. So it id don't do the thing with the Weapons editor.. Then the Plane won't work? Ok.... Where do i find the Weapons editor.. And what do they mean by replace the XXXXX (I dunn how many X's..) with a number?? Also Rom, I did, but that's a Hornet, I'm looking for a super Hornet.. Preferably the Two-seater.


Thanks in advance... :smile:

Edited by Warrior108

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Ok.. One more question.. in Terrain mods i see "Siberian Sun" and the sky is a dark blue... Not the light blue default.. Is there a way to change that???

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Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.



There's a terrific resource here that the guys have spent thousands of hours composing. I'd go take a good look there as most of your questions can and have been answered. Granted it's not as immediate as getting specific help but it sure is more fun learning how to modify the Sim to your preferences.


Link :: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=171


Thanks to all of you who have worked tirelessly putting together such a great resource!

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Thank you..... :biggrin:


But, when i read EricJ's F/A-18F ReadMe, it says to use the latest weapons pack that would come out some days after the Hornet.. I looked around, and the most recent was from January...

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OK... Whenever i try to open "Single Mission" The Screen goes black, and it doesn't load. Doe anybody know why this is?

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Yes - you have either used the wrong weps editor to save the weaponsdata.ini - or you have moved a file needed by the game - or you have put the F-18 files in the wrong places. - did you check where the files were like i asked above?


I'm assuming you have the game patched up to Oct 2008 - in which case its rock solid - so either take out what files you have put in - or reinistall the game again.


Im afraid everyone has to reinstall a few times when they first start adding things - its the only way to learn though

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OK... Whenever i try to open "Single Mission" The Screen goes black, and it doesn't load. Doe anybody know why this is?



I cant help myself, I have to say it...........I f%$#ing told you so :rofl: you asked 4 days ago for a hornet and I gave you a link to the best and easiest one to get going in, just think about how many things you could have blown up in four days :rolleyes: who cares if it says 'super hornet' or 'hornet' on the loading screen.........if you took either of these planes out for a mission in this (game) and you never saw the loadout screen in the beginning I pretty sure you wouldnt know the difference between which plane was which :no: (I wouldnt) besides there is nothing stopping you from having more than one f-18 in your game...............

Anyways I'm sorry to hear about your black screen problem and I hope you get it straightened out soon, you've allready lost 4 days of (super)simming :wink:

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Yea.. I did blow plenty up in the F/A-18, so you can't say i never flew it :smile:


Well, Luckily it took five minutes to install. So looks like I'll have a fresh start. So, thank you for your help now, and hopefully in the future too!

Edited by Warrior108

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Ok.. Hate to be back so soon.. Whee do i find the latest version of the WeaponEditor, i've looked on Thirdwire, but neither look or have the same functions as the one in the tutorial... I've searched but to no avail.. Help please!


Here is the part of the ReadMe that covers Weapons:



Weapons add


the best way is use the WeaponPack release somes days after Hornet.


if you can't wait, use last weapon editor from ThirdWire and import

FA-18_Weapondata.ini (you can found this file in weapons directory)

in your weapondata.ini.




it doesn't really make sens to me...


P.S I know i seem hopeless, but hey, I'm only Twelve!

Edited by Warrior108

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Ok.. Downloads and everything is working. I downloads Erwin_Hans F/A-18F and it works perfectly, but the Decals don't work... I've looked into the files and saw nothing.. the decals are in the right place... But they still don't show up? :help:

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I will assume the decal files are in the "d" folder in the skins folder? If so open the decal.ini and make sure the file format is correct


should be somethin like this











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This is what it says:











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looks ok to me - Do any of the decals show at all?


Check the files are actually in the d folder - and that in decals.ini the sections run in order:











Then is the skin folder actually called VFA32_CAG or is it called VFA32CAG ??? - a single spelling mistake means it wont work!!


and is there actually a "d" folder in that with the tga decal files like in the other skins for that jet???

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Ok.. Got it working now :smile: It was a typo. Anyway, i downloaded the S-3, and it works but it has no sound, nor cockpit? any suggestions?

Edited by Warrior108

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Yes try searching - must be loads of old threads on that as about 50% of the 3rd party jets need that fixing -


will say that the sounds are specified in the s3_data.ini - just compare with another jet and use those sounds.


an easy cockpit method - well copy the cockpit folder from your FA18 and the f18_avionics.ini and the f-18_cockpit.ini into your S-3 folder


than change the following s3.ini lines - :









(spelling the files names as they are)


Not ideal but you should get how this works as a starter - now dont come back on this until youve got that working yeah ;)

Edited by MigBuster

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Ok.. Got to cockpit working. But still can't get sound.. Ah well. I'm soon going to be getting a new computer, so it doesn't really matter, i'll have to reinstall it anyway :smile:

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Ok.. Got to cockpit working. But still can't get sound.. Ah well. I'm soon going to be getting a new computer, so it doesn't really matter, i'll have to reinstall it anyway :smile:


well you wont have sound on the new one either unless you figure it out


Did you find the [sound] section in the data.ini?

Edited by MigBuster

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I didn't see it.... Anyway, I downloaded the AT-6B, and whenever i fly, i have a pilot that's...floating under the fuselage.. suggestions?

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The AT-6B is for the SF2 series only. As it says.



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