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Standard Aircraft Characteristics Archive

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Last year, I went to the USAFM museum in Dayton, and spent about a week in their research division scanning in lots of stuff.


I'm happy to report that finally, finally, I finished converting all my scans from that August 2008 trip; it only took me a year :blink: but I have an excuse! I kept getting distracted! :haha:


Here's the Link


Current specs are (lowballed of course)


Rough Archive Size (As of 5 June 2009):


425 Standard Aircraft Characteristics (General file size of about 5-14~ MB)

354 Characteristics Sheets (General file size of about 2~ MB)

55 Airplane Characteristics and Performance Documents

32 Performance Data Documents

21 Standard Missile Characteristics


For about 3,100~ pages, and 4~ GB scanned in and available for your pleasure. (this is a low ball estimate based on my knowledge of average document sizes)


I already know from my website control panel that I've been found at the Mirage Factory's Private Forums. :biggrin:


What were these? Well, they were kept in "Black Books", "Green Books" etc at military sites etc; as a way of quick reference for what something needed, how far it could generally fly with x ammunition etc -- a quick and easy reference that provided the information you needed for rough mission planning, while not taking up as much space as a flight manual for the aircraft.


A lot of good information can also be found in them; to wit:




One of the pages from the Skypirate's ACP; it shows where the fuel tanks are, the armor; and fields of fire for the defensive armament.

Edited by MKSheppard

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