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SF2 NextGen series Gundata...

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Is it REALLY just as easy as I just experienced??


I moved the old 08 patch gundata, that has ALL the guns in it, from pre-WW2 to the present, and just ran the editor, pointed it to the new /Guns folder (wherein I'd just copied the old data ini and dat files), and it created all these folders with ALL the guns.


Is THAT easy??? Or did I miss something??? Yes, I'm that paranoid .... when things go too easily that usually means something's not quite right...



kevin stein

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Wrench, The,


Yep, it pretty much is THAT easy.


I have to say, I like the updated arrangements of weapons, guns, and pilots (separate folders). It'll make aircraft mods MUCH easier to add in the future. The hardest part of the whole thing is the initial conversion, especially for weapons. But once you get past that...



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Since the 08 patch, I LOVE the seperate folders for the weapons ... it makes for a MUCH cleaner install, without having to wait for the screen to refresh for all the gazillion skin bmps (for some reason, this LCD monitor seems a bit slow, or as I more likely suspect, "other internal issues")


and the one before that, gave us the seperat GroundObject folder; each is a step up



The pilots bits, thats pretty cool too.


Its just the decals thing that reallly bugs me.....


Of course, when I get SF2E next week...I'll have to back it up or have to do it all again



kevin stein

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The interesting bit comes when you have a new gun or weapon to add... I haven't figured stage II out yet. Still doing it by hand.

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I'm going to "assume" (and you all KNOW what happens when you do that...), it would be the same as adding a new tank or airplane...


Create new folder for gun or weapon

Create main ini (newgun.ini)

Create data ini for the gun (newgun_data.ini),

drop all in newgun folder, and it should work


open nextgen guneditor (anyone notice a new folder get created in your (well, XP in my case) MyDocs/ThirdWire/Strikefighters2/Utilites with the guneditor ini in it??


"add weapon" bit just like we used to do before, and that should be that...



At least, that's MY read of how it gets done in NextGen series...



kevin stein

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And if You've got a certian or "Special" Gun Effect, Add it to the GunData.INI just like Weapons in SF2...........

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