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Exploding Aircraft and Error Message

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I have had OFF for a number of months and haven't had any problem-until. I recently did a complete re install as I have been trying to fly mulitplayer and thought this might fix my problem in trying to connect with other players. But now my problem and this is way more serious: When flying campaign (I haven't tried QC as I don't fly that much) I get a error message when trying to get to my flight that says, "Populate airfield facility. Aircraft set up error." I click the ok and it tries to load the flight. Then I get a message that says , "mission failied". So in order to continue with anything I click on this and it takes me to my aircraft on an airfield. I hear an explosion and all of a sudden my sopwith tripe is in flames and burns. There I sit. Its over. This is really something as I mentioned, I have flown hundreds of missions in campaign mode and now with the re install this happens. In reading the forum I had remembered someone had this problem. I did a search on exploding plane and erro message and etc and cannot find what your remedy was. Now I really need some help. Thank you. Ras

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damn ras,,,your going from bad to worse......


wish i had a clue, but dont

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Sounds like you might need to do a re-install...





The strange thing is, as I said, I have many, many hours in the game without a problem, then did a reinstall in order to try out multi-player. IT is SINCE THEN that I had the problem. I'll re install again. But there has to be a reason for something like this

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damn ras,,,your going from bad to worse......


wish i had a clue, but dont



ANd the strange thing is I believe my MP access would have worked as I got rid of the "flickering screen" when trying to connect to a game. I have did a 2nd complete re install and defrag/etc and will try later tonight or tomorrow. Now I must go to work for a short while

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You Must search for any files or folders containing Over Flanders Fields, and Delete Same


You then must do another search containing your hidden files, presto a couple of folders always show up. Failure to nail those puppies, your problem, whatever it is Will reoccur, over,and over, and over


All this is after, you've gotten rid of the BIG OFF files


Thanks Uncleal. What about the CFS3 files? I would think not otherwise I would have to set that up again? Perhaps just the OFF files? I looked into them and there was nothing inside the folders. I have 3 folders, in the OFF area that is under my documents -- "Campaigns", "Missions" and "QuickCom" they are called. But opening them there is nothing there so I assumed they couldn't be a problem.



Perhaps I need to uninstall CFS3 and all the associated files? Do a defrag and etc and then start all over?

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cfs3 and bhah have nothing to do with each other, as you can uninstall cfs3 after you have installed bhah, and its gottin all the files you need..


making the assumption you have the older cd version of cfs3 so you need to get your files from an installation of cfs3, and dont have the luxery of telling it to get them from disk.


But, i suppose if your cfs3 was corrupt,,,and it was coping these files, it would give you problems..


but the folders uncleal is referring to are the


c:\documents and settings\xxxxxxxx\application date (appdat in vista)\microsoft\cfsww1 over flanders fields


xxxxx in this case can be either administator, or your user name, depending on how the computer was set up..




and the other folder is..c:\documents and settings\xxxxxx\cfsww1 overflanders fields


suppose defragging never hurts,,


maybe for nothing more than piece of mind, if you are going to uninstall and reinstall bhan again, you should remove cfs3, and reinstall it. Make sure the folders for cfs3 in the paths listed above for BHAH get removed too......If i went this route, i would make sure cfs3 plays....even go as far as hosting a game in it...the proceedure is exactly the same as it is in bhah....with the exception of not having the off manager screen naturally.


I am not recommending you remove cfs3 mind you....thats up to you..




just out of curiosity,,,how does cfs3 play? any problems in that?

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cfs3 and bhah have nothing to do with each other, as you can uninstall cfs3 after you have installed bhah, and its gottin all the files you need..


making the assumption you have the older cd version of cfs3 so you need to get your files from an installation of cfs3, and dont have the luxery of telling it to get them from disk.


But, i suppose if your cfs3 was corrupt,,,and it was coping these files, it would give you problems..


but the folders uncleal is referring to are the


c:\documents and settings\xxxxxxxx\application date (appdat in vista)\microsoft\cfsww1 over flanders fields


xxxxx in this case can be either administator, or your user name, depending on how the computer was set up..




and the other folder is..c:\documents and settings\xxxxxx\cfsww1 overflanders fields


suppose defragging never hurts,,


maybe for nothing more than piece of mind, if you are going to uninstall and reinstall bhan again, you should remove cfs3, and reinstall it. Make sure the folders for cfs3 in the paths listed above for BHAH get removed too......If i went this route, i would make sure cfs3 plays....even go as far as hosting a game in it...the proceedure is exactly the same as it is in bhah....with the exception of not having the off manager screen naturally.


I am not recommending you remove cfs3 mind you....thats up to you..




just out of curiosity,,,how does cfs3 play? any problems in that?


Thanks for your suggestions, CFS3 does play ok. I did a total uninstall of both CFS3 and OFF, deleted all files. Went in to Regedit and deleted the folders as instructions say on FAQ on the web site. I must be missing something. I have deleted the files that you had mentioned and ran a "cleaner" program. I can play the game but it appears that about half the time my plane starts on a runway and explodes and I don't get a chance to fly the mission (in campaign mode) whatsoever. Thanks, "Ras, Lost in Space" :dntknw:

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Something somewhere isn't what it used to be for sure. Make sure you also delete any odd shortcuts or other stuff you made for MP.. remove ALL things you setup for that.

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plane starts on a runway????????


if you could get a screen shot of that,,,,,i would love to see what you mean...

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plane starts on a runway????????


if you could get a screen shot of that,,,,,i would love to see what you mean...



Will try and have my snapper up and ready. And Pol and Uncleal, I have deleted all that I know exists. Perhpas there are some hidden files that I don't know about. Now the last two flights (in campaign mode) gave me the same error message, but I did not explode. I will see what happens as I go on, but won't be doing much if any flying in the next 3 days :cray:

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Will try and have my snapper up and ready. And Pol and Uncleal, I have deleted all that I know exists. Perhpas there are some hidden files that I don't know about. Now the last two flights (in campaign mode) gave me the same error message, but I did not explode. I will see what happens as I go on, but won't be doing much if any flying in the next 3 days :cray:



Here are some photos of the exploding aircraft







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dont think u understand,,,this is just an off intro screen,,,he is not into the game yet...

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Beats HELL out of your aircraft exploding


If it works, that'll narrow things down considerably



Sittingduck said it correctly, "I am not into the game yet". I have not had any problems in the campaign mode recently....but it had happened early on after my second re-install. And I took your advice about the hidden files. but when you have hundreds of thousands of files, can they find them all? Either the search missed them or I did. I did the regedit thing or whatever it is called, followed the FAW to the letter.


But as far as Multiplayer, I enjoy many hours each week flying on line in FSX (that shouldn't be a dirty word around here) and I know I would enjoy it in OFF. I enjoy the interaction with people as long as they are mature.

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ras,,,did you happen to do that speed test yet on the other computers?


Dont know how taxing fsx is on your internet.


And sorry if you were trying to connect to me...all i did is start the game,,,and didnt start flying at my end (u can usually join at that point) but the game crashed eventurally.


I do have a game up, if you want to try and join, but still would be intererestd to see if all your computers are getting the same numbers on speed test.

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ras,,,did you happen to do that speed test yet on the other computers?


Dont know how taxing fsx is on your internet.


And sorry if you were trying to connect to me...all i did is start the game,,,and didnt start flying at my end (u can usually join at that point) but the game crashed eventurally.


I do have a game up, if you want to try and join, but still would be intererestd to see if all your computers are getting the same numbers on speed test.



I did the speed test on the laptop and the ping rate was about the same. 270 if I remember, which was the same as the desktop. For the download and upload speed I lost the notes that I wrote the info on. Now the computer is out of the house for a couple of weeks as one of the "children" had use of it. Thats all I have for now. I tried one time to get on the game and believe it was this morning. Perhaps it was about 0900. In mean time I uninstalled, deleted files and reinstalled. Haven't been able to give it a try and as of now will be gone most of the two days

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I dont think you would be wasting your time if you called your isp, and asked them if they felt the speeds you are getting are in line with the service they are supposed to be providing..


But a 270 ms ping for a speedtest site near you is incredibly bad....should be in the low dbl digits..

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