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A Very Humble Request

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Holliday is over and that means I have a trainers exam on the 5th, considering it's kinda sink or swim here I was hoping for you guys to just send me a positive thought on monday and I'll be very grateful.


Issue is While I do conduct martial arts training I have requested to take the full exam, this will grant me right to open my own centre (albeit not in Denmark, but I was planning on leaving) and for that I need to pass this fairly simple exam in anatomy, pressure point, bone structure and fracturing techniques.


Anyway, just a friendly thought and I'm more than grateful ;) :ph34r:




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Best of luck to you.. :ph34r:

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Dwelling on outcome is a block. It stops the flow. You can't fight well if you are thinking about outcome. You can't test well if you are thinking about outcome. When you fight, be one with fighting. When you test, be one with testing.


You have absolutely no control over outcome. Your job is to be one with what you are doing from moment to moment. The rest takes care of itself and has no need of your dualistic thoughts: winning, losing, passing, failing, life, death. Such irrelevant thoughts spawn fear which has a paralyzing effect.


NO THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When it’s cold, water freezes into ice; when it’s warm, ice melts into water. Similarly, when you are confused, essence freezes into mind; when you are enlightened, mind melts into essence.---Muso Kokushi


Good Luck on your test, we here at Biohaz have all the confidence in you.

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Staffen, I got a feeling you already know the answers pal. Take it from an old fart whose been around...I think you'll do just fine.

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Well Test started 3½ hours ago, I finished 1 hour ago, I did 100/100

Just thought I'd update you, and thanks for the support guys I appreciate it. :ph34r: :ph34r:




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Well Test started 3½ hours ago, I finished 1 hour ago, I did 100/100

Just thought I'd update you, and thanks for the support guys I appreciate it.  :ph34r:  :ph34r:




:D Congrats......

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