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Aid for installation F/A-18F Super Hornet ?

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I tried to install this wonderful aircraft in SF2, everything is fine, works wonders, :good: I only have some questions to do, because I do not understand some things!!


1) In the readme file is written: "-Note that for this to work in SF2, you must remove the refueller entries at the bottom, kreelin's mod conflicts with the SF2 gamecode so will not work. What should I do exactly?? :dntknw:


2) In PDF file is written: "Required Addons: Mirage Factory F/A-18A with updated HUD", I do not understand what I download and install?? :blink:

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1) Actually, removing the refueler mod may not be needed. I didn't do that and it runs just fine in SF2. But if you need to (ie the aircraft doesn't work), then go into the data.ini of the aircraft and find the entry called [Refueler], then delete it or comment it out.


2) If you already have downloaded the F/A-18A model with the updated HUD (ie a modern looking HUD) then you're set. If not, you'll have to download the F/A-18A.



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Required Addons: Mirage Factory F/A-18A with updated HUD", I do not understand what I download and install??


I would assume, one would need to transfer over the cockpit folder (and all the little bits therein), avionics and cockpit ini to the SuperBug, then double check the F/A-18F.ini to make sure the pointers are correct.


Haven't done it myself, so I'm just guessing mind you! :wink:



kevin stein

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I've been slow to get around to updating the aircraft. I do have SF2 and trying to get more familiar with it, and update the weapon files for SF2. Silverbolt hooked me up with the missing textures for SF2. In the zip file, courtesy of Silverbolt, are the ones you put in the "FA-18F/cockpit" folder. Also the updated readme that covers that. Suffice to say it's not a priority, and still trying to wrap my head around the custom drop tank texture tutorial from KB. It's good but leaves me with the question of really, what do I have to do? Once I get that figgered out I'll probably get off my butt and upload it. Two weeks as usual :good:


Just be advised that the Readme is still WIP as I figure out more stuff :good:


But I have it in SF2 and the Refueller mod doesn't affect it. Some people may have issues with it, as one did (but think that was a joystick issue). And since nobody else has complained about it (least as far as I know) I may remove those lines.



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I've been slow to get around to updating the aircraft. I do have SF2 and trying to get more familiar with it, and update the weapon files for SF2. Silverbolt hooked me up with the missing textures for SF2. In the zip file, courtesy of Silverbolt, are the ones you put in the "FA-18F/cockpit" folder. Also the updated readme that covers that. Suffice to say it's not a priority, and still trying to wrap my head around the custom drop tank texture tutorial from KB. It's good but leaves me with the question of really, what do I have to do? Once I get that figgered out I'll probably get off my butt and upload it. Two weeks as usual :good:


Just be advised that the Readme is still WIP as I figure out more stuff :good:


But I have it in SF2 and the Refueller mod doesn't affect it. Some people may have issues with it, as one did (but think that was a joystick issue). And since nobody else has complained about it (least as far as I know) I may remove those lines.


Then if I have understood correctly, you make an upgrade/update to SF2 as quickly as possible?? :biggrin:

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lol two weeks :smile:

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lol two weeks :smile:


Fantastic!!!! :clapping: Then, expect these two weeks, to continue the installation!!! :good:

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Well I got most of the weapons converted over, and if I remember correctly, the SF2 engine doesn't utilize dual IRM or AHM rails (Specificially the LAU-115Cs). I had just checked it out but all the other stuff works fine.

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Well I got most of the weapons converted over, and if I remember correctly, the SF2 engine doesn't utilize dual IRM or AHM rails (Specificially the LAU-115Cs). I had just checked it out but all the other stuff works fine.


Hmmm...let me check on that tonite Eric. I know SF2 can do 2IR rails (the stinger dual rail setup works perfectly). I'll check on the dual AHM rails though.



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Well dual IRM is confirmed, but AHM is not. I just loaded them up and flew a recce flight to verify if the SHARP works (it does) but I was able to select "4 AIM-9 series" missiles but didn't verify what type rails showed up.

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Confirmed only LAU-105. I checked the folders where I put the LAU-115C's in (A too for the AHM) and they were deleted. Not sure what is causing that but maybe game logic?

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That shouldn't happen...




PS Just checked...the LAU-115 rails (AHM version) show up just fine. Though the ODD thing is that the missiles are rotated slightly out of kilter. I'm beginning to wonder if the weps editor has a bug that tweaks weapon racks. Because I remember someone posting about TERs that had the same issue.


PPS Went into the LAU-115CA data.ini and found this:







I sure as hell didn't put THOSE values in there.

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Alright, addendum:


Racks seem to work okay (fixed rotation angles), however, they are only used if the loadout.ini uses them, they won't load with the user selectable screen option. I've noticed this sort of thing from day one with this sim...racks have always been problematic. I'm not sure what the magic solution is. In the old setup, after loading the weapondata.ini (clean sheet), you would have to click on each weapons rack individually to get it to show up in game.



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I've never had to totally specify racks in WoX. Depending on the year, what aircraft yeah.. but then again for like Brimstone it'll load a TER instead of the actual rack. Matter of fact on the AT-6B if you don't stick with the default, it'll have the dual Maverick rails for the Hellfires, and the LAU-105 for the Stingers if you change it up.

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Well, under the old system, I put very specific restrictions on each rack (weight, diameter, load limit) then the trick was to put them in a specific order in the weapondata.ini. Basically, I'd list the smaller, more restrictive racks first, then listed them down in order. Worked great in that the sim would only load the rack the weapon would fit in first (ie you couldn't get Sidewinders on a Stinger rack, but Stingers would fit on a Stinger rack because that's the order the rack would show up in...and Sidewinders would go on a LAU-105.


This maybe one of those odd situations where you still need a weapondata.ini file to keep the racks sorted.



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Very well maybe, but still I would think if the LAU-105 was loaded then the other ones would appear.

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