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Turkish F-4 loadout headache

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Hi guys


For the time I've been there, I was able to make my business by my own but this time I'm quite lost.


I'm doing my own "Greece-Turkey" campaign, so I added and modified several addons succesfully to make Turkish aircrafts to fly in the enemy side.


1- I typed "enemy" instead of "friendly" for Turkey in the Nation.ini

2- I installed the "F-4E_2020", checked the "NationName" and there came the issues.

3- I noticed that the loadout.ini wasn't modified to match with the Turkish weapons so:

4- then I opened my weapons editor, scrolled down to the the "TUR (for Turkey)" lines to check what the good weapons were. (I did the same thing for the F-16 and it worked perfectly)

5- I added "WP" in all the weaponstation entries of the data.ini

6- Then I added "TUR " in the loadout.ini entries like this (example):

Loadout[10].WeaponType=TUR AIM-9L


7- I tried to fly it but .. no weapons shown. The weird thing is that the weapons are available in the store, I can chose them manually but no one of them want to appear automatically.


I repeat, I made the same thing to my F-104/F-16/F-86 but that F-4E 2020 doesn't want to help me.


Another thing, I also modified a standard F-4E .. and only the bombs appear .. Looks like the Pantom don't want to fly in the enemy side.


I'm really out of clue .. Any suggestions ? :dntknw:


PS> I use WoE, still 06 patched

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stupid time-warner cable...lost the connection when posting the reply *&^%$#@!


ok, did you actually CREATE new nationalized weapons for Turkey?? Meaning, in teh WepEd, "create copy of weapon", then edit it to fit. Changing the NationName= to Turkey, and AttachmentType= to WP?? (unfortunately, this also gives eh Soviet Air Force access to our late model Sidwinders and Sparrows....)


Just like in the old BunyPak, that's how it would have to be done.


Now, I'd have to look and see how the old -06 leve does it, but you SHOULD be able to load FRIENDLY weapons on ENEMY aircraft (example: WoI Arab Hunters, carry UK bombs/rocket pods.) The EXPORTED box would probably need to be checked (ie: Exported=YES)


I've got ONE 06 level modern install left, (all ww2 are 06, everything else is 08!) and can see what's happening. The problem MAY be releated to the Nations ini, changing Turkey to enemy, but it shouldn't make too much of a difference.



kevin stein

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I should've written this to the release thread sooner,

have you checked the ini?

It doesnt have a reference to a LoadoutFile .

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Yah, I couldn't get anything to load either....and NEVER looked into the main ini!!!


What a n00b mistake!!!!! :rofl: Damn, don't I feel dumb!!! Some expert I turned out to be!!! :rofl:


PB, righteous call!!!


we can clown on Dave for forgetting that!!! Sundowners skins are amazing ... if I had 1/10 his skills... well, you know the rest :wink:



kevin stein


EDIT: release announcement edited to contain the needed fix

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Thanx a lot guys for your advices, the "exported" field seemed to be guilty :this:

There are still some weird things that are appearing, sometimes Russian Archers replace Turkish sidewinders, but it's probably a matter of year of service or maybe of missile's class .. don't really know, but I need more time to check everything out.

Thank you again

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Rats...I forgot the check it with the NATO/USAF style attachements ... got sidetraked with the Starlifter decals and such.


I'll have a look at that later today; personally, I'd like to keep the Western Weapons if possible, rather than remake "new" ones, that mess up the rest of the Red Air Forces!



kevin stein

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Thanx a lot guys for your advices, the "exported" field seemed to be guilty :this:

There are still some weird things that are appearing, sometimes Russian Archers replace Turkish sidewinders, but it's probably a matter of year of service or maybe of missile's class .. don't really know, but I need more time to check everything out.

Thank you again


I had the same trouble. Archers on Phantom. You should leave weapon´s nations compatibility as in the original mod, both

the missiles and the weapons station in the aircraft, just change the nation name from the missile, but not the kind of stations

wich could support it. I did this with all weapons, and works perfectly. This is because you left the winder stations soviet compatible.


Procedure suggested: copy the missiles you want for the Turkish Air Force. Change their NationName. Change the NationName in the

original, unmodded aircraft, change nothing else. The loadout will choose the copy, as it is the most familiar with the original it has


Edited by macelena

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Ok thank you Macelena I'll try it tommorow (yeah it's bed time here ;)


I envy you.

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