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A bit over a decade ago, a town in northern NJ lobbied both the State, and the State's transportation agency for funds to construct a "transit village" and a shopping plaza, around a rail road station that was being refurbished by that same transit agency.


Within a few years, the place was booming, and began attracting commuters from well outside the area. It soon became a case of too much of a good thing. During the work week, parking would overflow from the commuter village and RR station (also filling the parking slots at the shopping plaza), and on to local streets. This resulted in on-the-street parking becoming almost non-existent for blocks in every direction. So, the town reacted in typical NJ fashion, and began issuing parking decals to its residents, just so they could ticket cars belonging to non-resident commuters.


Now, that same town is crying that it's losing revenue, and that stores at the shopping plaza are closing at an alarming rate.

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