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Winston DoRight

need a moderator

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Can we get a moderator to check and approve entries on the multiplayer calendar on a daily basis? That would save us the time, trouble, and clutter of making a new topic here to request approval each time we add something new there. :good:

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That would be great if they would appoint you to do this job. My post was intended to get the attention of an existing moderator as per Erik's comment below. But whatever works, I'm just concerned that additions to the MP calendar need to be looked at in a timely manner.


Remember gentlemen --


As you put calendar events on the calendar you'll need to contact one of the OFF Moderators like OvS to have them approve the calendar event. To do this he will need to view the OFF Multiplayer Calendar. (Click "Calendar" above in the site menu > The default CombatACE calendar comes up. Directly below the big calendar in the middle of the page there is a drop-down box to change your view. Select OFF Multiplayer Calendar > The OFF MP Calendar will appear. The calendar events that are not approved will be purplish/red. > Click that event and you will see the moderator tools just like the posts here to "approve / make visible" a topic. > Click approve and it appears to the public and should not be publish/red anymore.


I say this because I noticed an event that hasn't been approved yet.


Just me ... E

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Was hoping that (if possible) anyone posting games on a regular basis, could be givne whatevver permissions are necessary to put up a calander post.


Im looking forward to a scenario where sessions are sceduled, but then we need ppl to post that they are willing to host a specific session on a specific date,..


By this i mean if we have team dogfights scheduled every tuesday evening, in addition to putting the event on the calander, we need to be able to have ppl add in that they will host it.....the ip, etc etc.


I think the forum is the best place for "spontaneous" (spelling????) games, where someone decides they have the time to throw something up quick that nite, and the calander is better suited for games that will be played 3..4..days in advance..or every tues..


ovs said he should be able to keep up with the requests,,,just dont think its fair to expect him (or anyone else for that matter) to be checking whatever it is he has to check every half hour to see if someone put something up..


and there are ppl on the other side of the world that will hopefully be using this, so those posts will be going up when we are all in bed.....

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I think the problem lies in the fact that entries on the MP calendar have to be approved at all. Making posts or starting new topics here aren't subject to approval, why should it be needed for adding something to the calendar? Unfortunately this maybe a rusty cog in the board software, and so here now you have the problem of using the calendar as is. If you post there you take the chance that the moderators are not going to see it in a timely manner. Perhaps posting sessions the old way is better after all unless the permission/approval thing is worked out. :dntknw:


I'll give it a few more hours and if no result I'll post my early Saturday session here in the old way.

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i asked that same question, and its a pretty obvious answer,,,,,,,,,eventually some knucklhead will come in and post something inappropriate,,,,and while it may seem lousy that everyone must suffer, its just the way it is...


I cant see the delay involved here being anything more than one day, so if we use the calander for the purpose I interpret it to be used (sheduled sessions,,,not "on a whim" sessions)...would think that over time we would get used to having to put anything we need/want to put up with enought advance that they are posted with enough time for ppl to see..


just as a test,,i am going to put in an entry for a session, and see if i can edit that entry to indicate that i am willing to host the session..


hey,,thout u where on vacation...

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Looking at it quick, it appears that if a session is scheduled, with no specific host, then anyone willing to host the session will have to add another event to the same day, indicating that they will host.


Dont think anyone can edit someone elses event on the calander. It should work,,,as anyone clicking on that day will see all the entries made for that day...




(the kids are in the back,,,going,,,,,arewethereyet,,,arewethereyet,,,,arewethereyet....)

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Looking at it quick, it appears that if a session is scheduled, with no specific host, then anyone willing to host the session will have to add another event to the same day, indicating that they will host.


Dont think anyone can edit someone elses event on the calander. It should work,,,as anyone clicking on that day will see all the entries made for that day...




(the kids are in the back,,,going,,,,,arewethereyet,,,arewethereyet,,,,arewethereyet....)


Guys I can help. Send me the sked for the Week... and I will post it. A weekly sked will allow you to make changes. I'll do my best to stay on top of it.


PM me what you need. :)



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sorry,,,there is no "weekly sched" per say...(all though i would like to see it get to that point)


Right now its just individual pilots trying to schedule sessions with enough advance time as to allow other pilots opportunity to get into the game..


Would like to think once pilots saw the calander working, they would use it more, and then we might get into a scenario where specifec types of games are scheduled for the same day/time every week.


But as it is now,,,it doesnt seem to be working, so ppl are not using it, and going back to the mp forum..


Everyone seems to be asking the same questions..


can we change the format so the calander entries do not have to be approved....ie,,they go up just as fast as a forum post. Should something inappropriate go up, am sure someone will see it quick enough and let you know about it. I have to agree with some other pilots that its seems very little gets into the forum that has to be moderated, and don't see why it should be assumed the calander would be a target for something inappropriate..


if not, can the pilots that put up games on a regular basis be given whatever rights they need to approve thier own posts...

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