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Thanks Bub, now I just need to buy & build it. Time to pull that trigger (gulp).....


Steve, it sounds like that rig will really scream along. I'm thinking like you, I'll keep the old rig around to protect my new one from the outside world. It's dangerous out there.

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I've just pulled the trigger. :swoon:


One difference from before was that I went with the GTX280.


Now brace yourself for a storm of questions in 3 to 8 days.....


Once again, thanks to all for all your input.



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Now I'm up a running with the new rig. :biggrin: It tooks a lot less effort than I thought it would to build.


Thanks to all who added their 2 cents. It was a big help.


Now I'm tweeking the graphics to get them where I like them. The level of detail is great, and the fps is nice (35 to 60). I've got a little work to get the AA were I want it....



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Build your own, it's cheaper and you'll get much more bang for your buck!

Could not agree more! Since '94, when I got computer literate, I've loved doing 3D character design and animation. With every machine I've ever owned, I quickly outstripped its ability to keep up. So I called my computer techs one day last December and asked them what it would take to build a machine from parts. They went to NewEgg.com and assembled a wish-list of the fastest components available. The cost was about $1600, plus 2 hours of their time for assembly and set-up @ $65/hr. This is well within what you'd pay going to Best Buy or a Circuit City and buying a top-of-the-line computer right off the shelf. I got, among other things, a 750 W power supply (takes two fans to cool it), a 150 Gb C:/ Drive, and two 500 Gb drives, (J:/ and K:/). Plus, running 64-bit Vista Professional, I get 8 Gb RAM. OFF loves it and the price is right. Go this route, and you'll not have to upgrade for years.

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Corsair makes a good PSU. AT $90 (after rebates) that's a great deal. One thing to keep in mind is that if you do decide to go SLi down the road, you'll need quite a bit more power. This 750w will run SLI and Crossfire, but depending on what you have in the system, the power might be close....just a thought.


Have to agree that Corsair products are topnotch, but they private label their PSUs from other manufacturers. This is common practice in the industry: http://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/?tag=PSU_Manufacturers


Lots of good advice here...best thing you can do is build a system with a little headroom for future upgrades, especially with regards to the GPU, which tends to become "obsolete" within a few months. I haven't seen many recommendations for a case here, but it's important to get one large enough for all of the cooling you'll need. Doesn't have to be fancy, just big, like the Antec 900 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16811129021. I've been pretty happy with my ultra-cheapo $70 Apevia case http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList....eTabStoreType=1.


Best of luck

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Now I'm up a running with the new rig. :biggrin: It tooks a lot less effort than I thought it would to build.


Thanks to all who added their 2 cents. It was a big help.


Now I'm tweeking the graphics to get them where I like them. The level of detail is great, and the fps is nice (35 to 60). I've got a little work to get the AA were I want it....




Awesome Velvet! Glad to hear it went smoothly. There's a couple of threads on graphic specifics...you can mess with it for a long time, or you can experiment and get it running great (as opposed to perfect, which is optimal but not practicle time wise) and then just leave it alone.

Graphics options today make for some long term headaches because it's just not easy to get it 'just right'.



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