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not to start an us v. them...but

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what has happened to Frugal's world? cant seem to log on for a few days now?


just curious...



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what has happened to Frugal's world? cant seem to log on for a few days now?


just curious...




Dunno, I was banned for being mean to Stiglr (Ass).

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I haven't visited there in literally years. I think the last time was shortly after F4:AF's release. I found the place unpleasant, filled with wannabe's (easily spotted as those who indignantly claim F4 isn't a game, but a sim, because I guess they're too good to play a game) who enjoy pouncing on anyone who isn't as obsessed with F4 as they are. I don't know why that attitude is allowed to prevail because it discourages newcomers, but it's their site and if they want to alienate all but the hardcore, that's fine.

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Dont know either. I haven't posted there much since Goose died.

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