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Mike Dora

SPAD XII - no cannon sound

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I wonder if either Peter01 or p10ppy or someone can help me with this? I just installed Peter01's excellent new FMs (which really take FE to an entirely different plane, many thanks Peter), and after some fiddling and reinstalling got p10ppys' SPAD XII working again. I really like this aicraft, using the 37mm autocanon takes some skill but when you hit the target, one shot _really_ does it.


Trouble is, when I fire the 37mm cannon it doesn't go BANG any more, like it used to. Cockpit fills with smoke, humungous great tracer round shoots out of the prop boss, but - no BANG. Not even a pop. Just a kind of "click" (and lots of smoke.. )


I have installed the 37mm SAMC gun in the gundata file, the associated "tankgun" sound is there in the sounds folder, and does work when I test it as a separate file. It just doesn't work when I fire the SPAD's cannon.


Any suggestions chaps?



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Been a while since I looked at this one Mike. Does seem strange.


Though this doesn't sound like the problem, you do need this file in the Effects Folder if you don't have that.




Maybe silly question but after adding to gundata file, you "saved as" using the gun editor? And sequence number is correct?


Do you hear the gun reloading sound?

Edited by peter01

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Thanks Peter


I'll check for that file's presence when I go home tonight, though I expect that it will probably be there because I just copied your new FM files on to the previous install of FE, which did have the SPAD XII cannon sound working. And yes, I did save the gundata file using the gun editor, and I do hear the gun reloading sound. I've also tried substituting different sounds in the relevant line of the gundata file, but still nothing.


Trivial, I know, but one of the most satisfying things about using the SPAD XII's autocanon (apart from reducing Hun 2-seaters to a cloud of sawdust) was the serious BANG when you fired it!



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I have the same issue with the Hotchkiss gun for the P10ppy's Morane-Salnier N. The gun animation is working fine, but I am getting no Gun Fire sound since installing your latest FM files. The hotchkiss.wav file plays just fine in Media Player.



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OlPaint, my Morane FM uses a Lewis. If other Lewis guns are working this should to. If you have modded it to use the Hotchkiss (its in the data ini, but commented out), you need to add the Hotchkiss to the soundlist file, I think. I just tried it in my game, with both lewis and Hotchkiss, and it works fine, so maybe you could try this one, put in your "Flight" directory. Backup your old one first.




Mike, its not trivial, hardly fun if you can't hear the gun sound. My guess is its something to do with the gundata files. But then again, if the gun actually fires, that seems strange as well. Let me know if you checked this file and seems ok. If still a problem I'll have a go installing Spad 12 and update the files to see if it works. If it does I'll post the files here.

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Mike, just installed Spad 12, modded gundata files and all is okay for me. Here are the gundata files for you to try if you like, and it works with my current FMs (just added 37mm gun).




If you are using the Spad 12 in your game with my FMs, I'd also suggest that you copy the AI stuff, aidata and skill levels near beginning of file, from my Spad7 180.

Edited by peter01

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OK Peter,


Just tried it again, but this time with the engine "off" and the windloop volume reduced to 50%, and indeed it does go bang. Not BANG, just bang. So it appears to have been a sound file volume issue. Maybe my question then evolves into "how can I increase the volume of the tankgun sound file?"



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well its good to hear its working. but its a big "bang" in my game for some reason :dntknw: , with engine etc on full.


I use the sound recorder in windows: start -> all programs -> accessories -> entertainment. Given you can hardly hear it, you may need to increase 200% or more.

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OlPaint, my Morane FM uses a Lewis. If other Lewis guns are working this should to. If you have modded it to use the Hotchkiss (its in the data ini, but commented out), you need to add the Hotchkiss to the soundlist file, I think. I just tried it in my game, with both lewis and Hotchkiss, and it works fine, so maybe you could try this one, put in your "Flight" directory. Backup your old one first.



Hey Peter01


Spot On! I had completely forgotten about editing the Soundlist.ini file in the Flight folder to add the Hotchkiss and LeRhone sounds from p10ppy's Morane mod file. I had incorrectly assumed that the game program would auto-add all of the .wav files that are in the Sounds Folder. I was proved wrong. Thanks for the reminder. I have some editing to complete.



Edited by OlPaint01

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You know, I've had some odd sound problems with FE since I got my new 'puter and reinstalled everything. Sounds (like guns, engines, some other sound effects) tend to fade in and out all the time. I've checked all the sound files and the soundlist.ini...these are "stock" sounds too. Can't figure it out?

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Thanks again (again) Peter, the sound recorder trick did the trick. It also let me tone down the wind noise - I've had the good fortune to have had a few biplane joyrides (in the Old Rhinebeck 1929 New Standard aeroplane), and I certainly didn't hear the wind over the thundering clatter of the great big radial engine up front!



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