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Sticking with the old squadron

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my current pilot just died after serving from sept.1916 to may 7th 1917 with about 175 hours and 16 confirmed kills.


we were attacked by a bunch of nieuports while patroling friendly frontlines. everything worked well. the fight led us to treetop level over nomandsland. just as i thought it's over and i tried to regroup my squad, one single nieuport, whom i have not seen, hit me from behind with a short burst. i immediately went down to land because of a broken engine and beeing wounded. he hit me with one more burst and i made a hard deadstick landing and my undercarriage collapsed. i was thrown back to menu with the message my pilot is dead. damn. one moment not paying attention and gone is my pilot.


i made a new pilot in the same squadron, copied the old mates and pasted it into the new dossier with the date 08. may 1917. i added my just died pilot as AI pilot and gave him the status "missing".


now my new green pilot introduced himself to the old squadron and the people my old pilot knew so well, as a rookie, and on the board is my former, dead pilot listed with 16 kills and missing. one day later his death was confirmed. cool it works :good: .

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Hey, that's cool - three notches up the immersion!

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