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Knock the Knokke Shipyard

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Knock the Knokke Shipyard

(Inspired by British_eh's exciting "Dover Straits Mission")


May of 1916. The War has been raging for twenty-one months and shows no signs of ending any time soon. Information has just been received that the Hun have constructed a small but important servicing yard on the Belgian coast east of Knokke for their ships that travel and patrol the North Sea and beyond. It is vital that this yard be destroyed in order that we might hinder German naval operations in this area. Your assignment is to lead your flight of eight BE2c's up along the coastline and do as much damage as possible to the target facility. You will have escort in the way of five DH2's from 29 Squadron that will meet you over your aerodrome at Koksijde. Make best speed to the target and try and keep your altitude when bombing as you will likely encounter not only enemy scouts but also heavy ground fire if you get too low. It has further been reported that a German cruiser is patrolling the waters near the shipyard. Good luck, and God's speed.


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