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Mission Review Error

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I am new to OFF and am flying a variety of planes in dogfights in Quick Combat. I like to review my missions upon completion to see if I scored hits when I thought I did. I always get a review mission error and the review stops before completion of the mission. Sometimes it occurs after all of my shots and hits have been reviewed and the enemy is shot down. That's OK because I've learned what I wated from the review. Other times the error occurs before the first round is fired and I get no information. Other times the error occurs partway through. This is not a major issue by any means but I'm wondering if there is a problem in the program that needs to be fixed or if it has something to do with my configuration. Does anyone else see this?

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When you get close enough prior to firing, you Know you scored hits. Hence it doesn't need review. Can't get that close ? You need to work on your piloting skills. Nobody ever said this schitt was easy . . . :biggrin:


Don't be ashamed to cheat in Workshop . . :good:


Also If I may say: . . it is much fun to fly 9 Birds in a session, but they all have wings . . .therein the simularity ends, each reacts to input differently.



That's why I fly a variety of airplanes; to learn the handling characteristics and capabilities of each.

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Hi Condor44,


We don't have any known crashes like that. Could be a graphics error as it's drawing lines and graphics at the time. Try setting up your video as per the FAQ, ATI or NVidia covered.

Try reducing the number of programs you have running in the background too.





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