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Damage Model

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I am flying with the Hard Damage model on, my question is does this apply to BOTH me and the AI or just ME cause if it is just me its going bye bye.


It seems like a couple of pings and my plane is unflyable (this from 1000 to 1500 feet), while I can wail away at them and if i don't hit the engine "no joy".


Now I know all the rationals about how hard it is to hit a strut, wing wire, etc etc etc, but what about the AI are they all dead eyes???? they seem to hit control surfaces quite well

Edited by BigJim

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Yes, the AI do seem to hit control surface cables with uncanny accuracy. 3 bullets in your plane and you can be fairly sure something is either going to make it more difficult to turn or the engine will start to sputter. That said, if you are a good shot and hit the outermost portion of an EA wings, you'll see them having a difficult time turning as well. When flying against multiple enemy aircraft, I try to put some holes in the top wing of as many EA as quickly as possible. THEN I worry about shooting them down when they aren't able to turn and get on my tail so fast. 3 damaged EA are A LOT easier to shoot down than 2 perfectly good ones. I'd like to see a bit more leeway on how much damage player planes take before they experience control issues, but really it just makes me fly more defensively. If anyone looks like they are getting on my tail, I stop trying to line up my current target and turn as quickly as possible to try and put my pursuer on the defensive. The enemy AI don't fire from long distances, but they are deadly accurate if you let them get too close.



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Yes, the AI do seem to hit control surface cables with uncanny accuracy. 3 bullets in your plane and you can be fairly sure something is either going to make it more difficult to turn or the engine will start to sputter. That said, if you are a good shot and hit the outermost portion of an EA wings, you'll see them having a difficult time turning as well. When flying against multiple enemy aircraft, I try to put some holes in the top wing of as many EA as quickly as possible. THEN I worry about shooting them down when they aren't able to turn and get on my tail so fast. 3 damaged EA are A LOT easier to shoot down than 2 perfectly good ones. I'd like to see a bit more leeway on how much damage player planes take before they experience control issues, but really it just makes me fly more defensively. If anyone looks like they are getting on my tail, I stop trying to line up my current target and turn as quickly as possible to try and put my pursuer on the defensive. The enemy AI don't fire from long distances, but they are deadly accurate if you let them get too close.




:rofl: yeah I try to do that too but when it's 6 v 1 (as it seems to be most of the time), and you are trying to get used to TrackiR (and actual heavy combat is THE only way to test it) it gets fairly hairly real quick when they ping you and you can see no visable damage but your plane is now flying like a truck :haha:


Makes me wonder "where the hell did my wingmen go" since only one or two will show as shot down or lost after the mission.

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:rofl: yeah I try to do that too but when it's 6 v 1 (as it seems to be most of the time), and you are trying to get used to TrackiR (and actual heavy combat is THE only way to test it) it gets fairly hairly real quick when they ping you and you can see no visable damage but your plane is now flying like a truck :haha:


Makes me wonder "where the hell did my wingmen go" since only one or two will show as shot down or lost after the mission.


If you read around the forum a bit, you'll see various strategies for engaging the enemy. Bottom line seems to be, on my reading I hasten to add, that best results come from letting the AI mix it up first. They share the same advantages. So if you put yourself above or outside the fight for a while and use your wingman commands judiciously (see posts by Olham on this) you can not only keep said wingmen on hand but ideally get back into the grinder to help 'em out after they've nibbled at the foes' performance a little.


'Course, it won't always work. But that's the true beauty of this game... just when you think you've reduced it to a formula and are about diminsh in interest, it grabs you by the nuts and makes you think again. And, if you've invested a lot of time in a DiD pilot... that bloody hurts.

Edited by Dej

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Original plan was to take the profits of Phase III, and purchase a NEW engine.


"Hope Springs Eternal"



If you need more money for that, just ASK. :yes:

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I am flying with the Hard Damage model on, my question is does this apply to BOTH me and the AI or just ME cause if it is just me its going bye bye.


It seems like a couple of pings and my plane is unflyable (this from 1000 to 1500 feet), while I can wail away at them and if i don't hit the engine "no joy".


Now I know all the rationals about how hard it is to hit a strut, wing wire, etc etc etc, but what about the AI are they all dead eyes???? they seem to hit control surfaces quite well


Are you flying in QC or the campaign? In QC, you can control the skill of the enemy pilots. I find that when I set the enemy skill to "Ace," the AI pilots will hose you down pretty good, usually severing an important control cable or severely damaging your wing--maybe even blowing it off! On veteran, however, they are not quite so accurate, so even if they have you dead to rights, you can sometimes escape with only minimal damage. Of course, in campaign you don't know what the skill of the enemy pilot is until he starts to shoot at you, and by then it's too late!


I have been experimenting with setting the accuracy of the main guns (in the lower right corner of Workshop) to "less accurate." IMO, this setting does a better job representing what shooting a machine gun bolted to a flying machine washer in WWI must have been like. The AI is less accurate and lethal at this setting. The drawback is that this setting affects your guns, too! So, expect longer engagements and possibly less conclusive results with this setting. I'm beginning to like it, but others may not agree.


Another setting you can fool with is the "Range" button, which controls how close the AI must be before they will open up on you. Set that button to close and they won't "ping" you from 1000 ft.

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:rofl: yeah I try to do that too but when it's 6 v 1 (as it seems to be most of the time), and you are trying to get used to TrackiR (and actual heavy combat is THE only way to test it) it gets fairly hairly real quick when they ping you and you can see no visable damage but your plane is now flying like a truck

Not to toot my own horn here, but you might try using my Intermediate Damage Model. You should see more visible damage on both the AI and on your airplane.


For example, last night using my DM I was flying in QC with an ALB III early against Sopwith Pups. I got a little target fixated and a Pup got behind me. All of the sudden, four or five bullet holes appeared right before my eyes in my center-wing mounted radiator! I had never seen that before! My engine began to sputter and cough and I knew I had to get out of there. Fortunately, I was able to throw the Pup off my tail and escape, landing at a nearby airfield. This seemed a lot more realistic to me than getting hit by a few shots and suddenly not having any control over my aircraft.


Just remember there are lots of options and mods you can try to make OFF an enjoyable experience for you. Try some, you might like it! :grin:

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