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HELP! Need some new/custom TODs

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While NOT absolutely critical for this upcoming terrain project, the 3 tiles shown below really need a version of the 'jungle' tga. Obviously, for a SoWesPac, or in fact ANY heavily jungle vegetated region!


It's always seemed a bit strange to me that these sea/river/jungle tiles have never existed ...


anyway, looking at some of the custom TODs I've done on the Desert tiles, am I correct in believing that IF one were to have to original ini for a tile, you can edit the TOD (to be created) by moving or removing the various 'trees' and other items in that function in the TE????? Or does one need the 'physical thingy' that the jungle tga attaches to?? As you can see, I'm not really up to speed with certain aspects of TOD creation (even after looking at Deuces tutorials) :dntknw:


Any and all help is appreiciated! The tgas, bmps and hm_bmps have all been created (which is a nothing job!) and I'll happily send them out to whomever; they just need that Usual Suspect ™ impenetrable, fetid stinking jungle. Infested with 'insects of unbelivable size', vines, creepers, and snipers. Also, said jungles make superb camo for hiding buildings in :yes:




kevin stein

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Yes only ini is required, infact the most important one is the texturelist.ini as this is where coordinates aka mapping of the tree textures is stored.

I would glady make this for you but I don't have any of those ini's for GH2 :sorry:

I'm sure Stary will be able to provide more help though :smile:

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So, like any other 'new' tile, (like the various grassfield ones I've done), add the WoVTexturelist.ini, rename the 'j1.ini' with it's tree loction to match the new tiles, then open in the TE, remove/move/edit etc, the various 'tree' bits.??


I'll bug Stary too! :biggrin:



kevin stein

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Green Hell 2 has there IIRC... just some renaming (and pointing to valid bmp or tga file) should work

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You mean for the original SG-Riv tiles??? I've never actually seen TODs for these...have to look again! (i did create some new ones for use on Guadalcanal....)


but if ONLY for grass, they'd lack the 'fill in' jungle for the rest of tile. You wouldn't happen to have the ini for the J1 tile I could 'borrow' do you??? :wink: Try my hand at moving the tree locations around.....





kevin stein

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You mean for the original SG-Riv tiles??? I've never actually seen TODs for these...have to look again! (i did create some new ones for use on Guadalcanal....)


but if ONLY for grass, they'd lack the 'fill in' jungle for the rest of tile. You wouldn't happen to have the ini for the J1 tile I could 'borrow' do you??? :wink: Try my hand at moving the tree locations around.....





kevin stein


Kevin, my apologies, seems you're right. I'll send you the whateverterrain_J1.ini (full forestal one) and the necessary objects description parts from my texturelist.ini, ok?

Edited by Stary

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Beauty bro!!! :good: you da MAN!!!



kevin stein

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Beauty bro!!! :good: you da MAN!!!



kevin stein




Check PM :good:

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