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Newbies First Campaign, A liitle Cofused

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I created a German pilot and did some quick combat dogfights in several different planes. Did win a few. :wink: I decided to try a campaign. Going into the campaign the screen said I had flown 10 missions for a total of 0.35 hours. I assumed those were the quick combat missions. My campaign started in Nov. 1915 so I was flying an EIII. I was the flight leader. We ran into a flight of four RAF BE2c's. I scored hits on 3 and watched one go down flaming. I did not see him crash as I went after another which headed down trailing smoke after I hit him several times. I shot at a third but saw no significant sign of damage. The mission review said I scored hits on all three at multiple times. When I exited the mission I did not get a prompt to file a claim. That's OK, maybe I didn't really kill them but it sure seemed like I had killed the one that was burning. How does the claim prompt show up? Could I have miised it? I then checked my pilot dossier and found that he was still credited with 10 missions and 0.35 hrs. The mission I had just flown should have been number 11 and it lasted about 45 minutes. I landed earely, before the entire mission was completed as briefed, because I was out of ammo. Did I lose credit because of that? It was as if the mission had never been flown. There was nothing listed on the mission log on the right side of the dossier screen. What am I missing here?


It was fun, by the way. I'm not complaining. Just wondering what went wrong or, more likely, what I did wrong.

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Hi Condor, Welcome to the friendly skies of WWI. From the information you gave, you shouldn't be seeing those results. AFAIK, the QC missions should not tally on your logbook if you have it set to log campaign only in the Workshop from the main menu. You should be showing the time in the air for your campaign though. The BE2 you think you shot down, may have been poached by one of your flight before it crashed or they gave it the coup de grace. You'll find in OFF that the sim is very realistic in that you may not get to claim or get credit for each kill you make. Also, the waypoints and objectives are of no consequence for OFF. All that matters is that you do your duty to the best of your ability and survive. I'll let the devs chime in and see if they can give you more insight into your logbook problem. Anything else, just ask.

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Hi Condor, Welcome to the friendly skies of WWI. From the information you gave, you shouldn't be seeing those results. AFAIK, the QC missions should not tally on your logbook if you have it set to log campaign only in the Workshop from the main menu. You should be showing the time in the air for your campaign though. The BE2 you think you shot down, may have been poached by one of your flight before it crashed or they gave it the coup de grace. You'll find in OFF that the sim is very realistic in that you may not get to claim or get credit for each kill you make. Also, the waypoints and objectives are of no consequence for OFF. All that matters is that you do your duty to the best of your ability and survive. I'll let the devs chime in and see if they can give you more insight into your logbook problem. Anything else, just ask.


I figured I may have lost the kills for the reasons you stated. So what's thew best ting to do? just keep after them until you see them crash? By doing that I would have lost all my altitude and would never have had a chance at the others. It takes a lot longer to get to 4,000ft in an EIII than in a Spit 8. butthis isn't Aces High.


The not getting credited for the mission and the time is what concerned me more. Just to clarify, when I said nothing was listed in the mission log after the flight I meant the flight log on the right hand side of the pilot dossier. The 10 missions and 0.35 were on the left side. My campaign settings in the Wokshop are:

Date Advance-Auto

Mission Freq - Historical

Data Base Warnings - off

Regional Air Activity - Light

Spawn Control - OFF Campaign


My statistics settings are:

Persistant weather stats- off

Flight Eval/log - campaign only

Player Stats - off


Methinks the last one may be the problem. Should player stats be on to get credidted for campaign flights?

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I would suggest you change date advance to manual. That way you're not required to fly 2 or 3 times a day, which is not historical. Fly once a day, and give yourself one day off per week for max realism. Except during offensives, then fly as much as possible.

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Hi Condor,


Flight/Eval Log set to Campaign Only will record QC flight time but not QC kills.

Player Stats give you your percentage hit rate and rounds fired etc - you don't need it unless you're interested in how accurately you're shooting.

Setting date advance to manual is a good idea, otherwise your pilot will never get any leave, poor b*st*rd.


I can't explain why your flight went unrecorded. My advice to all new players though, is NEVER to use the same pilot for QC and campaign. Not only does it confuse the log but more seriously, if you're playing DiD you can lose a valued campaign pilot in a QC moment-of-madness all too easily. Roll separate pilots and keep them apart, use a naming convention such as a QC suffix or initials, whatever works for you.

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Right, Dej, for QC flights, I created a guy named Test Dummy - that way I can't get wrong accidently.

Condor, you don't get a kill, if someone else pumped more lead into the opponent than you - even if he did before you.

At least that's how it seems to me after all I saw.

If you made kills, the claim report window will bump up automaticly - don't worry.

Another reason why it does not appear sometimes: when there are no witnesses.

Edited by Olham

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