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Gunner/observer commands?

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I admit I'm not a 'frequent' flyer so perhaps I'm just missing something or having a 'senior' moment, but I can't get into the observer/gunner position. I've tried using the "F" (ing) keys, (F6, F7, F8) as they are apparently the ones that change the positions of the pilot/gunners but nothing works. The keys appear to be mapped in Controls to the correct functions.


What is wrong? Ideas, please and thanks!



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I admit I'm not a 'frequent' flyer so perhaps I'm just missing something or having a 'senior' moment, but I can't get into the observer/gunner position. I've tried using the "F" (ing) keys, (F6, F7, F8) as they are apparently the ones that change the positions of the pilot/gunners but nothing works. The keys appear to be mapped in Controls to the correct functions.


What is wrong? Ideas, please and thanks!




shift F8 I believe is what I use

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To cycle the seats should be F8, and to switch back: Shift+F8

If that doesn't work in your case, I would go to "controlls" and make the assignments new after your coice.

To know how they are called, check HomeBoy's key chart in the sticky threads.

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The usual issue with this is if you're running TrackIR. The software 'captures' the keys F8 (or F7 in the TrackIR software), F9 and F12 so they don't function in any game when the software's running.


Pressing Shift F8 as Big Jim suggest gets around the problem by cycling through the gunner positions in reverse order.




Vasco :pilotfly:

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Thanks to all for the help! The one command I hadn't tried was Shift + F8...of course! All my controls are mapped to my Cyborg Command Unit (gamepad) so I usually make them a single key anyway just to keep it simple, but I had to figure out why the assigned keys didn't work in the first place. But now I understand the reason for the problem and the solutions. Many thanks, flyers!



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