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brayelles location

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I've been flying with Jasta 11 in Feb. 17. The aerodrome is at Brayelles. However, it seems to me that it is in the wrong location. From what I've read it should be just west of Douai. It appears to be near Cambrai instead.


Even if the map isn't accurate the mission itself suggests that I'm starting out near Cambrai. The airfield is very near the front, which generally runs from NW to SE. This would be accurate if starting near Cambrai. If I was starting from Douai the front would be well to the west and would basically run north and south.


Also, when flying with Jasta 11, I get strange results from "review mission". Whenever it mentions that my shots hit an enemy the range is shown as negative 3.28 feet. If I'm hit by enemy fire it is always "at very close range". I didn't get these results when flying Jasta 2 in 1916.


Many thanks.

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La Brayelle is usually described as 'west of Douai', and the Brayelles airfield in the game does seem more south of Douai, located west of Cambrai as you say.


So I would say you are probably correct, but what do I know?.


Hopefully Shredward will give you a reply as he is the Pro at this historical stuff.

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Brayelles was between Douai and Cuincy - now swallowed up by the expansion of Douai. We'll look at it.



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I've been flying with Jasta 11 in Feb. 17. The aerodrome is at Brayelles. However, it seems to me that it is in the wrong location. From what I've read it should be just west of Douai. It appears to be near Cambrai instead.


Even if the map isn't accurate the mission itself suggests that I'm starting out near Cambrai. The airfield is very near the front, which generally runs from NW to SE. This would be accurate if starting near Cambrai. If I was starting from Douai the front would be well to the west and would basically run north and south.


Also, when flying with Jasta 11, I get strange results from "review mission". Whenever it mentions that my shots hit an enemy the range is shown as negative 3.28 feet. If I'm hit by enemy fire it is always "at very close range". I didn't get these results when flying Jasta 2 in 1916.


Many thanks.


(oops, Shredward beat me to this...)


I think this may be a case of two places with names that are very similar. for example-- on some old maps I could find that "Metz-en-Couture" would simply be called "Metz". in which case, there would be confusion in combat reports for people who didn't know the difference! you might find a report where somebody claimed a victory at "Metz-en-Couture" (which is in Flanders) and if they abbreviated the name, you might think that they were all the way down in Alsace.


so I pulled out my maps from "The War in the Air" and looked through some German trench maps of Cambrai in late 1917 and I noticed some bewildering conflicts.


for example, Lagnicourt is actually west-by-southwest of Pronville, which is in turn southwest of Epinoy.


with the game's in-flight map Lagnicourt is actually northwest of Pronville. another oddity is that Riencourt is west of Lagnicourt when it was actually almost directly north of Lagnicourt.


assuming that Cambrai is anywhere close to where it's supposed to be on the map--which I doubt! the most likely aerodrome is located somewhere near the village of Baralle, which is west of Marquion. I don't think I've ever read about an aerodrome being used there. it was, by all accounts, a tiny little village


oh well... so far as I can tell--this is best approximated by "Marquion"--assuming it hasn't already been represented elsewhere.

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(oops, Shredward beat me to this...)


I think this may be a case of two places with names that are very similar. for example-- on some old maps I could find that "Metz-en-Couture" would simply be called "Metz". in which case, there would be confusion in combat reports for people who didn't know the difference! you might find a report where somebody claimed a victory at "Metz-en-Couture" (which is in Flanders) and if they abbreviated the name, you might think that they were all the way down in Alsace.


so I pulled out my maps from "The War in the Air" and looked through some German trench maps of Cambrai in late 1917 and I noticed some bewildering conflicts.


for example, Lagnicourt is actually west-by-southwest of Pronville, which is in turn southwest of Epinoy.


with the game's in-flight map Lagnicourt is actually northwest of Pronville. another oddity is that Riencourt is west of Lagnicourt when it was actually almost directly north of Lagnicourt.


assuming that Cambrai is anywhere close to where it's supposed to be on the map--which I doubt! the most likely aerodrome is located somewhere near the village of Baralle, which is west of Marquion. I don't think I've ever read about an aerodrome being used there. it was, by all accounts, a tiny little village


oh well... so far as I can tell--this is best approximated by "Marquion"--assuming it hasn't already been represented elsewhere.


There are some fields that had to be moved to accommodate approximations of the frontlines at various stages of the war.


Why is this? Well I have modeled the frontlines in only 12 states - of the actual rather infinite states of the frontlines as they vascillated during the war.


This effectiveley means that OFF is actually 12 sims in one with 12 global layers to represent the 12 frontline states.

Each state has a global layer that has over 1000 objects so thats 12000!! objects in all. Many move (they are moveable objects) and many are stationary


Rather than have the field suddenly move only in the period that it might be affected by the averaged front line state(s) I decided to move (as little as possible) all affected fields in all 12 periods 1914 - 1918 so as to best suit the frontline clash period and to avoid a player seeing the field move (ahem what??? has my field grown legs???).


Moreover there are I am sure some typo errors - its a mammoth job and it is being looked at together with the Railyard exercise and historical landmarks and correction of towns that are offset, as part of P4.

I may introduce more frontline states but I think its hard to convey the amount of work this requires.

I also believe (I have not confirmed) that there is a Lat/Lon offset error in CFS3 that someone recently pointed out to me (one of the other CFS3 mod team members) and we might be able to correct this in hardcode. This means that even fields that I did not have to move might have an offset.

Ted acurately researched all fields and we used the real world Lat Lon co-ords of all fields...


Finally I know too that there are some placeholder fields- I believe Brayelles is one of them.. Ted and I are discussing solutions but please be aware it will not be in 1.32 Patch.


It might be given the amount of work that an updated Global Layer pack will be made as a purchaseable upgrade unless we can sort the CFS3 offset by hardcode.


Of course sales/support play a big role in this decision making too.


I hope that ultimately these errors in offset and forced moves and or placeholder fields do not spoil too much the immersiveness of OFF and as usual we are always improving it.






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Oh and I almost forgot...


Many fields had to be moved due to:


1) Straddling a Road...


2) Straddling a stream...


3) On difficult terrain...


4) Too Close to hilly terrain that result in AI take-off problems...



Yeah many hours went into that as well - in all 12 global layers.





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